Hintis 4-Color-Object Duckling

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Hintis 4-Color-Object Duckling

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My daughter wanted a cute little duckling. But there was nothing satisfying available. So, I customized an available model to my liking. To avoid the hassle of multicolor printing that takes several days, I worked on it until I had the desired parts and was satisfied. Beak red, eyes white, iris black. And of course, a yellow duckling.


The four-color printing of the parts of a duck takes about an hour on my Bambu P1S, assuming AMS. However, I have created a profile where the parts for two such ducklings, on just one plate, in my case an engineering plate because I believe it generates a nicer model base for me, takes only about 2 hours and 13 minutes.


I print it with PETG. The profile speeds are set according to my filaments, below 200.


The print setting is, of course, 'Print by Object,' not by Plate/Layer. Therefore, it proceeds quite quickly. The order goes from small (black iris), to red beaks, then the white eyes, and finally the large yellow ducks. I have made individual settings for all 4 objects. I have done my best. For example, it is important to print the eye iris at only 0.12mm layer height, while most of the duck is at 0.2. But not everything. Further examples of individual changes include: Duck Body: Arachne (experience).


how I did:

Print by Object to place on one plate by using 4 colors

Top surface: Concentric

5% Gyroid filling

Support on Body low, overwritten, just on wings

Support on mouth jow, overwritten, just a bit on bottom, not inside mouth

Eye iris and white with Outer Brim  and gap of 0.16

Layer Height 0.2, except on Eye parts, there 0.12.


For assembly, I made a small guide pin for the beak, which helps a bit with assembly. I glued all the parts. I use the plastic adhesive from Bondtech, which also has precision tips, with which I can put a very fitting small drop on the eyelid for the small iris. Despite the pin, I also put a few drops of glue on the mouth for safety. All in all, it goes quite quickly.


There is still room for improvement overall, but it works well enough for my purposes.



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