Modular exhaust system - 4 way junction box

Modular exhaust system - 4 way junction box


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 4 walls, 20% infill
0.2mm layer, 4 walls, 20% infill
12 h
4 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


For my workshop, I wanted a sort of pipeline to exhaust fumes from multiple machines. Rarely from multiple machines at the same time, but more so I can plug the hose and leave the machine on the bench while I work with another one. It was also a way to learn to model with Fusion. So as any overthinker would do, I overthinked it and decided to make it modular.


1/ So far, I only added a closed panel or a 100mm mount panel, but you can make panels for any hose width you want (if wider than 110, I would make a protrusive mount but it's to say it's still possible).


2/ I designed it like an electrical junction box so it can connect up to 4 hoses (one being the main exhaust of course).


3/ You'll need 2 screws to mount it on the wall (or what works as the said wall) and 1 M5 bolt to close the box (at least 25mm long, max 70mm which is totally unnecessary). When you're closing the box, use a gentle screwing speed.


For now, I'm using two prototypes in PLA and it holds even when printing in ABS. If it suffers too much, I'll go with PETG or ABS itself next time. You do you, knowing what temp you work with. I'm not responsible for anything with what you do, I'm just sharing what I made and work with.


Also, it's not a heavy duty/rugged/whatever piece of gear as I don't see what pressure or tension it should sustain. I designed it in a way it's not using too much material and once installed, it doesn't move or it's not handled too often, so please be gentle when assembling it.


And finally, I'm always open to suggestion on how to make it better :). As long as it's in a constructive way.




As the required non printed parts are not in the Maker's Supply and I can't publish without selecting at least one thing, I'll list the 2 non printed things you need here (already mentioned above but still):


- 2x M5 screws to mount on the wall, preferably with flat head, otherwise use a washer not to damage the print.
- 1x M5 bolt to close the box, at least 25mm long, no more than 70 (which would be overkill anyway).




For the blast gates that you see in the pictures, you can check this link:

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Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 4 walls, 20% infill
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