Penguine with Drawer

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Penguine with Drawer

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A penguin figure with a drawer as its belly. 

The original design is from larryqiann and can be found on thingiverse ( 


I didn't like the facetted version, so i created a round one.


4 different sizes are available, for each the tolerance was adjusted. If you want to scale it, then start with the one closest version to your wanted height. 


The single penguin in the picture is 180mm tall, the 5 different penguins are the other sizes.


Note: It's some time ago I printed these. At this time they were printed on a Ultimaker 3, therefore I have not tested these on the Bambulab, hence no profiles are available. 

Some things I recommend:

  1. Orient all parts the same way. Like this, any wrong dimensions from your printer are compensated. 
  2. I printed the eye part standing (that it matches with the standing penguin) with support on the big model. Like this the layer lines are the same throughout, what I found looked the best. 
  3. With clever rotation one could reduce the amount for the support structure on the main body. I honestly don't know if it's worth it. 

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I printed one of these from a file on thingiverse. I believe it was a remix tho. It had the model divided vertically in half. Which was easier to print but the seam was pretty noticeable due to warping. The main issue with the model tho was the pull out drawer. There is no way to pull it out. I considered adding a bow tie to the front as a handle but it would have to be pretty big and maybe not aesthetic. How does yours open?
The designer has replied
I had never a problem with these. As I said, i managed the tolerance so that it will slide with some resistance that it doesn't fall out. I can push it with one hand (I uploaded a small gif so you can see it for yourself. I just checked with the original, there a problem could be that it was around 280mm tall so you maybe had to scale it lower, which led to smaller tolerances between the parts.
Replying to @orlin278 :
ah I see yours has the back open so you can push the tray forward to open it. The file I printed did not have this. It actually had a back cover. So the only way to open was to turn flip it over , shake it, and hope it opened enough to pull out and this wasn't great. I will give your model version a try. It was a super cute design but I also didn't care for the geometric lines of the original. My niece is in love with penguins so I was going to give it to her but mine didn't seem functional. So I will definitely give your redesign a try. !* THESE PHOTOS ARE OF AN OLD VERSION AND NOT THE VERSION FOR THIS LISTING. THIS ILLUSTRATES PROBLEMS WITH OLD DESIGN!* (I wanted to add that last bit just in case someone casually glanced at this pics.
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