Castle Capture - Play Epic Strategy Duals

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Castle Capture - Play Epic Strategy Duals


Print Profile(4)

X1 Carbon

Castle Capture - Full Game V1-0
Castle Capture - Full Game V1-0
16.9 h
7 plates

Castle Capture - Full Game v1-1 (New Center Support Legs)
Castle Capture - Full Game v1-1 (New Center Support Legs)
18.1 h
8 plates

Dice as Alternatives to Spinners
Dice as Alternatives to Spinners
38 min
1 plate

V1-0 Additional Legs for Supports
V1-0 Additional Legs for Supports
1.1 h
1 plate



Castle Capture - Play Epic Strategy Duals

Introducing Castle Capture, the ultimate two-player strategy game that will transport you to a world of medieval intrigue, daring heists, and thrilling adventures! Imagine a game where you command a team of brave characters, each with a mission to infiltrate your opponent's castle and capture their flags. But beware, for the path to victory is fraught with perilous trap doors that can send your characters tumbling back to your own castle empty-handed. With every spin of the action and number spinners, the tension mounts as you plan your moves, strategically positioning your pieces to outmaneuver your opponent and protect your own flags. Will you emerge victorious, or will your opponent's cunning tactics leave you in the dust? Castle Capture is a game that combines the thrill of a heist with the strategic depth of a classic board game, making it the perfect addition to any game night. So, gather your friends and family, fire up your 3D printer, and prepare to embark on an unforgettable adventure in the world of Castle Capture!

We've hope you enjoy our game as much as we do. Enjoy and happy printing!

 ✨📢 Update V1-0: For anyone that has printed out V1-0 with filament that is on the flexible side and wish to have a little more stability with your game, I am publishing extra legs in a new print profile. Thanks for the feedback everyone, we hope you enjoy this game! 
✨📢 Update V1-1: Based on feedback from the initial users we have created a new print profile that now has legs in the center of the gameboard for more stable game play, especially if your filament is more flexible.

Printing & Assembly

Assembly is literally a snap as this game is fully 3D printed. All of the pieces are nicely oriented in the print profiles for the best printing experience. We've created a helpful video on how to put the full board together so you can be playing in no-time!

I printed this game using the High Temperature Plate (Smooth PEI) to get an incredibly nice finish on the board.


Setup and Gameplay

Overview: Castle Capture is a thrilling, strategic two-player board game where the objective is to be the first player to capture all six of your opponent's flags and bring them back to your castle. Navigate the grid with caution, as treacherous trap doors can change the course of the game in an instant!


  • 1 Game Board with 6 Pull-out Trap Doors
  • 2 Castles, each with 3 Doorways
  • 12 Character Pieces (6 per player)
  • 12 Flags (6 per player)
  • 2 Spinners (1 for step count, 1 for actions)

Objective: The goal of Castle Capture is to be the first player to capture all six of your opponent's flags and return them to your castle.



  1. Each player chooses a castle as theirs to defend.
  2. Place your six flags on the designated spots inside your castle along the top row.
  3. Position your six character pieces inside the castle, ready to emerge from the doorways.
  4. Ensure all drawers are pushed into the game board with the dots facing up. These should be numbered 1 through 6.

Playing the Game: Players decide who goes first by spinning the number wheel, the player with the highest number will go first.


Turn Sequence:

  1. Spin the Action Spinner to determine the type of movement for the turn (forward, backward, sideways, diagonal, or drawer pull).
  2. Spin the Number Spinner to determine the number of spaces you move or which drawer to pull.
  3. Move Your Character based on the spinners' outcomes.
    • Players must move their piece at least one space and may move up to the number rolled, starting from any doorway onto the game board. For example, if they roll a 3, they can move 1, 2, or 3 spaces in the direction selected.
    • Moving Out of a Castle
      • Starting Position: Each character piece begins the game inside your castle. At the start of your turn, you choose any character that hasn't already moved outside.
      • Choosing a Doorway: Select one of the three doorways of your castle to exit. This is the starting point for your character's movement on the board.
      • Initial Movement: Upon spinning the Number Spinner and determining the movement type from the Action Spinner, move your character piece directly from the chosen doorway onto the corresponding starting grid space outside the castle
    • Moving Into a Castle:
      • Entering the Castle: When your character is outside a doorway, you can use any remaining movement steps to enter the castle through that doorway, irrespective of the direction indicated by the Action Spinner. This means even if the spin dictates side-to-side movement, but your character is in front of a doorway with moves left, they can enter the castle.
    • Move your character in the direction indicated by the action spinner in either direction along the path.
    • Your character can “bounce” off the edge of the game board if they have additional moves remaining in the direction of travel.
      • You cannot start your move with a bounce off a wall, as you must start in the direction indicated by the wheel.
    • Landing on an opponent's character allows you to retrieve your flag if being carried by the opponent.
    • You can jump over other characters during your move, but you cannot steal a flag just by jumping another character. You must land on the opponent to steal the flag.
    • You can stack on top of your character to block the movement of the bottom character piece for up to two turns before you must move your piece, freeing the other piece. If the piece is not removed in two turns, it will be removed from game play. Character pieces can only be stacked two high.
  4. Pulling Out a Drawer if indicated by the action spinner.
    • The drawer's number is indicated by the dots on its face should be pulled out, and any character on an open space will fall through the “trap door” opening.
    • Any characters that fall through an opening when the drawer is pulled must return to their home castle.
    • Removed characters carrying a flag return it to the opponent's castle.
    • Finish the turn by sliding the drawer back in.
  5. The opponent may now take their next turn.

Purpose of Trap Doors: The trap doors add an exciting, dynamic element to the game. They can change the course of the game in an instant and require players to think strategically about their moves. Will you risk moving your character onto a potential trap door space, or will you play it safe? The choice is yours but be prepared for the unexpected!


Capturing Flags: To capture a flag, a character must enter the opponent's castle and pick up a flag. The character must then successfully return to their own castle with the flag. Once the flag is placed in one of the designated holes inside the castle, it is considered captured and cannot be recaptured by the opponent. The character is then free to go back out and attempt to capture another flag. You must leave the opponent's castle within two turns of entering, or the piece may be removed from the gameplay.


Winning the Game: You win by capturing all of your opponent's flags and safely returning them to your castle.


Game Reset: If playing multiple rounds, return all flags and character pieces to their starting positions.

Rule Variations & Tips

  • Permanent Elimination (Advanced Players): In this challenging variant, characters that fall through trap doors are permanently removed from the game and do not return to their castle. If all of a player's character pieces are eliminated, the game ends, and the other player is declared the winner. This variation adds a higher level of strategy and risk to the game.
  • Exact Steps: For a more strategic gameplay experience, players must move their character piece the exact number of spaces indicated by the number spinner. If a player cannot make a valid move with the exact number of spaces, they must forfeit their turn, and the next player takes their spin. This variation encourages players to think carefully about their character placement and anticipate future moves.

Tips and Strategies

  1. Plan Ahead: Before spinning the action and number spinners, take a moment to analyze the current board state and consider your potential moves. Think about how you can use the walls to your advantage by "bouncing" off them to reach desired spaces or to avoid landing on trap door spaces.
  2. Strategic Blocking: Use your character pieces to strategically block your opponent's movements. Position your pieces in a way that makes it difficult for your opponent to retrieve their captured flags. However, be mindful of the two-turn stacking limit and ensure you don't leave your own pieces vulnerable to being removed from gameplay.
  3. Seize Opportunities: Always be on the lookout for opportunities to retrieve your flags from your opponent's characters. If an opponent's character holding your flag is within reach, prioritize landing on that space to regain possession of your flag. Remember, you can only retrieve your flag by landing directly on the opponent's character, not by jumping over them.
  4. Anticipate Trap Doors: Pay close attention to the position of the trap door drawers and anticipate which spaces may become traps during your opponent's turn. Try to position your characters on safe spaces or plan your moves to minimize the risk of falling through a trap door.
  5. Balance Offense and Defense: Strike a balance between capturing your opponent's flags and protecting your own. Don't focus solely on offense, as leaving your castle unguarded can make it easier for your opponent to capture your flags. Adapt your strategy based on the current game state and your opponent's moves.

Remember, strategy is key, and every move can lead you closer to victory or defeat. Enjoy your conquest!

Feedback and Rule Updates

As with any new game design, I would love to hear your feedback on how we can update the actual printed design or the rules of the game to continue making it fun and engaging. Post your build photos, give us a download, and if you want to see more cool projects, give a boost!

Comment & Rating (47)

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Print Profile
Castle Capture - Full Game v1-1 (New Center Support Legs)
Today I printed the last part and put everything together. I had a lot of fun modifying the parts. The drawers and the spinners have been printed in wooden PLA. I'm looking forward to trying it out.
The designer has replied
That looks incredible! Would you want to share your print profile for others, if they would like to use this style?
Replying to @ozarkexpedition :
I can do this. It's best to only post the things I've changed so that future changes have less impact on my profile. Or is that confusing?
It printed great. I made up some boxes to store the parts when not in use. Thanks for the model.
The designer has replied
Wow! that’s such a good idea! I would certainly print that box too. Do you want to post the print profile for the box ao you can earn the profile rewards. Have a great day and happy gaming!
Replying to @ozarkexpedition :
I just finished uploading it. Thanks again for the game!
Print Profile
Castle Capture - Full Game V1-0
Printed great and looks great! I ironed the top surfaces of the bases at either end. We'll give it a test drive this weekend. One thing you may want to consider doing to remove the ambiguity with the spinner is to add holes for magnets. One at each of the arrows on the board and one at each of the dividers on the wheels. Install the magnets so they repel each other. I'd imagine something small like a 3x2 would be enough do the trick without causing issues.
The designer has replied
Wow, your print looks amazing! I love the idea of adding some magnets to ensure it lands directly on a given selection. I'm going to add that to my list because it's a great idea. Have fun playing!
Hey everyone! We've published a new print profile for optional dice. If you are someone that doesn't like to make the judgment calls on the spinners landing close to the line, you might prefer printing this. This helps avoid any uncertainties when spinner results are ambiguous or land right on the line. Simply roll the dice to determine your moves and actions with precision. Happy printing!
Print Profile
Castle Capture - Full Game v1-1 (New Center Support Legs)
most things fits perfect and everybody loves the game. only the flags are a bit hard to place at the castle
The designer has replied
Those colors look amazing for the game! Thanks for the feedback and we’ll look at changing the size of the flag holders. cheers!
Print Profile
Castle Capture - Full Game v1-1 (New Center Support Legs)
looks like slight under extrusion in the print profile. using Bambu PLA basic
The designer has replied
Hi @FallenEcclesia, thanks for your feedback! It seems the under-extrusion issue you're observing might be more related to filament settings rather than the print profile. I also used Bambu PLA basic on this print as well. Could you try adjusting filament specific parameters and see if it improves the print quality? Let me know how it goes!
What I don't understand about the rule variations is 'Custom Trap Door Order'. Theoretically, the numbers are rolled the same number of times, which is why the order of the Trap Door Drawers shouldn't really matter. Or have I overlooked something or not understood it correctly?
The designer has replied
That is absolutely right, and I meant to remove that from the variations. I'll do so now.
Replying to @ozarkexpedition :
Thanks for your answer, I was already doubting myself :-) But I still have a question about the movement: The instructions say: forward, backward, sideways, diagonal. There are two symbols on the wheel (twice each) for movement. I interpreted it as (forward, backward) and (right, left). But I think I'm wrong. My current interpretation is one sign for forward, backward, right, left and the other for diagonal. It's best to write which character means what, because I'm really not sure. And thank you for this great game and the time you take for it.
An exceptional game with great design.
The designer has replied
Many thanks for the kind words and the boosts. Have fun with your new game, I know we have!
And although I haven't played it yet, I already have some ideas about how you could play it with four people: If there are two players on each side and each player has 3 figures in their own color, then the players on one side have to work together in order to win. But you are only allowed to collect 3 flags of one color at a time. If a player has all the flags, he can continue to help the other player by, for example, blocking other players. He can also help the other player by letting the friendly player with a flag on him. Because there are only two players on top of each other, the flag cannot be stolen until that time. Once I've tried it I'll write more about it. But maybe someone else has ideas (the text was translated using Google Translate)
The designer has replied
That sounds great. Once you get that documented we can add it to the rules. I like the idea of making it a four-player game so the wife and kids can all play together.
The designer has replied


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You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, host, transfer, or distribute in any way the digital or 3D printed versions of this object, nor any other derivative work of this object in its digital or physical format (including - but not limited to - remixes of this object, and hosting on other digital platforms). The objects may not be used without permission in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, or collect fees.