I ♥ My Feral Wife

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I ♥ My Feral Wife


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, Various settings per plate
0.2mm layer, Various settings per plate
7.9 h
5 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


A buddy of mine made a joke about a meme he had seen, then asked me if I could design and print a sign of it. I said sure, so I did. Not able to leave well enough alone though, I decided to try my hand at designing a print-in-place kickstand for it as well.


The first attempt (in the 3mf if you're curious) worked, but I had my doubts to it's longevity as it's a captive printed rod hinge. It works, and it's snug, but I'm sure it'll wear out. Plus I didn't like the geometry of it, so I started over with floating cones instead and while not as snug I have no doubts it's plenty strong to be used for a long time. Plus I put a little fingernail catch in the kickstand so it's easier to get out.


The 3MF has all the variations put together with various settings adjusted for a clean print. Please do note that the “face down” versions are set for a High Temp / Smooth Plate so if you intend on printing on a textured bed you may need to change that.

Face-up is done with a simple color swap (or two if you're using an advanced slicer). The elevated parts are 0.6mm tall, so if you're doing multiple colors there will be multiple swaps involved. I have not tested this print at heights other than 0.2mm, so I can't guarantee the kickstand will work at 0.28mm. For the few that I printed while testing, I usually had to gently rock them around with a hobby needle to get them loose from the layer that prints above them (there is a gap, but still some bonding occurs). As the colored parts are elevated, it's safe to iron them without worrying about contamination against the sign body.

Face-down was something I wanted to try out because of this PEA build plate I have that makes my prints look like they've had resin poured over them. It has no kickstand.

Either model uses two 8x3mm magnets (holes are actually 8.6mm∅ by 2.6mm).


UPDATE: by request, I've added a guy's version, "I ♥ My Feral Man."

  • To print the upright kickstand version simply replace "feral-wife-v02-black.stl" with "feral-man-v02-black.stl" when importing.
  • To print the face-down version, replace "feral-wife-v02-down-white.stl" with "feral-man-v02-down-white.stl" and "feral-wife-v02-down-black.stl" with “feral-man-v02-down-black.stl”

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