Brick Train Tracks

Brick Train Tracks


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Since the big L(e)go Purge, it was really hard to get any rail design from the internet, until now. Ive constructed any curved standard rail, “almost” in compliance with the L-Gauge standard ( ). A big focus of attention was set to the connection between the different rails. It fits really well with tracks, of its own kind and other manufactures.


  • Layerheight 0.2mm or higher (otherwise, the connection wont work)
  • 10% Infill should be enough
  • No support, bridge speed 60 mm/s
  • If your prints tend to warping (like mine do), I would highly suggest to use a brim or gluestick
  • Ironing on the top layer

Choosing the Tracktype:

The file name has the following structure:

The unit of the radius is in L(e)goblocks (=8mm). The radius is meassured from the centerline of the track.

In this example the distance from the centerline of the track to the centerpoint is “72 Studs" = 576mm. The span of the track is α=11.25°. This means 8 tracks create a quater circle ( 8x11.25°=90° ) or 32 tracks create a whole circle.

In comparision the curved track from L(e)go has a radius of R40 (much smaller). A lot of trains don't like the radius and slow down, due to friction.

Straight Tracks only have the lenght in their file name.

Design Choices:

First of all, I didn't hollow out the “bricks” of the track, because I wanted to optimised the part for 3d printing. The tolerance between the interlocking parts ist almost everwhere 0.2mm. This gives a nice snug fit. The geomtery of the track, like the profile of the track or the arrangement of the plates, is given by the L-Gauge standard


P.S.: This is my first time contributing to the 3d-Printing Community, because the other things I constructed, weren't really usefull. Please hit me up, if you think, there is something wrong with my design, I am always open to constructive critique. You can also ask for custom tracks with your radius and span which I can construct and add to the pool of tracks

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