Name hook, customizable

Name hook, customizable


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

"Dagmar" 0.08mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
"Dagmar" 0.08mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
36 min
1 plate



Hooks including the name of the owner.

There are three types available:

  • 10mm width
  • 15mm width which fits perfectly for a small Tesa Powerstrip (shown in the picture)
  • 13mm width with a 4mm screw hole

Here is a picture of the screw hole version:

Included are >1200 of first names (see below for the list).

Slicing & printing

If you want to be fancy, put in a stop to change the material after the base is printed to change the color. Print the first layers in white and the following layers in another color.


Use the included .scad file with the free tool "OpenSCAD" to easily create your own name if you cant find it included.
Just change the name string to your desired name and render.


Once printed, put a Tesa PowerStrip onto the base and stick it on a surface.

Included names

Aaron, Abhi, Abigail, Adam, Adela, Adrian, Adrien, Agathe, Alan, Albert, Ales, Alex, Alexander, Alexandra, Alexandre, Alexia, Alexis, Alfons, Alfred, Alice, Alicia, Amanda, Amandine, Amber, Amelie, Amy, Anais, Andre, Andrea, Andreas, Andrew, Aneta, Anette, Angela, Angelika, Anja, Anke, Ann, Anna, Anneliese, Annette, Anthony, Antje, Antoine, Arnaud, Arthur, Ashley, Astrid, Audrey, Aurelie, Aurelien, Aurore, Austin, Axel, Baptiste, Bara, Barbara, Bastien, Beate, Ben, Benjamin, Benoit, Bernd, Berndt, Bernhard, Bernt, Bettina, Betty, Beverly, Billy, Birgit, Björn, Bobby, Brandon, Brenda, Brian, Brigitte, Britta, Brittany, Bruce, Bryan, Bärbel, Camille, Carin, Carl, Carla, Carol, Caroline, Carolyn, Carsten, Catharina, Catherine, Cathrin, Catrin, Cecile, Cedric, Celia, Celine, Charles, Charlotte, Cheryl, Chiara, Chloe, Chris, Christa, Christel, Christian, Christiane, Christina, Christine, Christoph, Christopher, Claire, Clara, Claudia, Claus, Clemence, Clement, Coline, Coralie, Corentin, Cornelia, Curt, Cynthia, Cyril, Dagmar, Damien, Daniel, Daniela, Danielle, David, Deborah, Debra, Denisa, Denise, Dennis, Detlef, Detlev, Diana, Diane, Dieter, Dirk, Dominick, Dominika, Donald, Donna, Dorian, Doris, Dorothy, Douglas, Dylan, Edith, Edward, Elena, Elfriede, Elias, Elijah, Elisa, Elisabeth, Elise, Eliska, Elizabeth, Elke, Ella, Ellie, Elodie, Elsa, Emeline, Emil, Emilia, Emilie, Emily, Emma, Enzo, Eric, Erica, Erich, Erika, Erna, Ernst, Erwan, Erwin, Estelle, Ethan, Eugene, Eva, Evelyn, Evzen, Fabien, Fanny, Fidel, Filip, Finn, Florent, Florian, Frances, Francesco, Francois, Frank, Franz, Frida, Frieda, Friedrich, Fritz, Gabriel, Gabriele, Gaetan, Gary, Georg, George, Gerald, Gerd, Gerda, Gerhard, Gerhardt, Gert, Gertrud, Gisela, Gloria, Grace, Gregory, Gudrun, Guillaume, Günter, Günther, Hana, Hannah, Hannelore, Hans, Harald, Harold, Hartmut, Heather, Heidi, Heike, Heiko, Heinrich, Heinz, Helen, Helene, Helga, Helmut, Helmuth, Henrik, Henry, Herbert, Hermann, Herta, Hertha, Hildegard, Holger, Honza, Horst, Hugo, Ilse, Ines, Inge, Ingeborg, Ingo, Ingrid, Irmgard, Irmgart, Isabella, Ivonne, Jack, Jacob, Jacqueline, Jade, James, Jan, Jana, Janet, Janice, Jason, Jean, Jeanne, Jeffrey, Jennifer, Jens, Jeremy, Jerome, Jerry, Jesse, Jessica, Jirka, Jitka, Joachim, Joan, Joe, Joerg, Johann, Johanna, Johannes, John, Johnny, Jonathan, Jordan, Jose, Joseph, Joshua, Joyce, Juan, Judith, Judy, Julia, Julie, Julien, Juliette, Justin, Justine, Jutta, Jörg, Jörn, Jürgen, Kai, Karel, Karen, Karin, Karl, Karolina, Karsten, Katarina, Kate, Katerina, Katharina, Katherine, Kathleen, Kathrin, Kathryn, Katie, Katja, Katrin, Katrina, Kayla, Keith, Kelly, Kenneth, Kerstin, Kevin, Kimberly, Kirsten, Klara, Klaudia, Klaus, Krista, Kristian, Kristina, Kristine, Kuba, Kurt, Kyle, Käte, Käthe, Laetitia, Larry, Lars, Laura, Lauren, Laurie, Laurine, Lawrence, Lea, Lena, Lenka, Leo, Leon, Liam, Lieselotte, Lina, Linda, Lisa, Logan, Loic, Lola, Lothar, Lou, Louis, Louise, Luca, Lucas, Lucie, Lucy, Lukas, Madison, Maelle, Maeva, Maik, Maike, Manfred, Manon, Manuela, Marc, Marcel, Marco, Marcus, Marek, Maren, Margaret, Margarete, Margarethe, Margaux, Margot, Maria, Marianne, Marie, Marilyn, Marina, Marine, Mario, Marion, Mark, Marketa, Marko, Markus, Marlies, Marlis, Marta, Martha, Martin, Martina, Mary, Mathew, Mathias, Mathieu, Mathilde, Mathis, Matteo, Matthew, Matthias, Matthieu, Max, Maxence, Maxime, Megan, Mehdi, Meik, Meike, Melanie, Melissa, Mia, Michael, Michaela, Michal, Michelle, Mickael, Mike, Mila, Mohamed, Monica, Monika, Morgane, Nadin, Nadine, Nancy, Natalie, Nathan, Nicholas, Nicolas, Nicole, Niels, Nikol, Nils, Nina, Noah, Noemie, Norbert, Oceane, Olaf, Oliver, Olivia, Ondra, Ophelie, Otto, Pamela, Patricia, Patrick, Paul, Pauline, Pavel, Pavlina, Peter, Petra, Philip, Philipp, Phillip, Phillipp, Pierre, Pio, Quentin, Rachel, Radek, Rainer, Ralf, Ralph, Randy, Raphael, Raymond, Rebecca, Regina, Reiner, Reinhardt, Remi, Renate, Rene, Richard, Rita, Robert, Robin, Roger, Rolf, Romain, Romane, Ronald, Rose, Rosemarie, Roy, Rudolf, Rudolph, Russell, Ruth, Ryan, Rüdiger, Sabine, Salome, Sam, Samantha, Samuel, Sandra, Sara, Sarah, Scott, Sean, Sebastian, Sebastien, Sharon, Shirley, Siegfried, Sigrid, Silke, Silvia, Simon, Simona, Sofia, Solene, Sonja, Sophia, Sophie, Stefan, Stefanie, Stefano, Stephan, Stephanie, Stephen, Steven, Susan, Susanne, Sven, Swen, Sylvia, Tanja, Teresa, Terry, Theo, Theresa, Thibault, Thibaut, Thomas, Thorsten, Tim, Timm, Timothy, Tobias, Tom, Tomas, Tony, Torsten, Tristan, Tyler, Ulrich, Ulrike, Ursula, Ute, Uwe, Valentin, Valentine, Veronica, Victor, Victoria, Vincent, Virginia, Vojtech, Volker, Walter, Walther, Waltraud, Wayne, Werner, Wilfried, Wilhelm, Willi, William, Willie, Willy, Wolfgang, Yann, Yvonne, Zachary, Zoe, Zuzana

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Print Profile
"Dagmar" 0.08mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
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