The LogoBox: Interchangeable LED Logo Display

The LogoBox: Interchangeable LED Logo Display


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 100% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 100% infill
9.7 h
4 plates



The LogoBox: Interchangeable LED Logo Display

LogoBox is an LED light assembly displaying your Logo. The print file contains my custom logo (B-6766), which symbolizes the flight number where I proposed to my future wife. It was the moment I asked her to be my girlfriend. The logo represents a floating Saturn on an ocean (inspired by Saturn's density being lower than water's). This design reflects my background as an exoplanet scientist and my wife's love for the ocean (though she is a plant biologist).

Printing/Assembly Notes

There are a total of 3 parts to print: Logo, diffuser, and box. I used PLA for the Logo and PETG (better light diffusion) for the diffuser and box, but I believe the box can be done with PLA without a problem. There are two box models, one with pillars for easily mounting the LED strip (box2). The print in the picture used the box model without pillars (box1) and I glued the LED on using a glue gun. I left holes in both boxes for cables and screws (four holes for screws for any orientation). Choose one box file and use the diffuser and a custom Logo of your own. Make sure to print 100% infill for the diffuser and Logo.


You need some super glue or a glue gun to assemble LogoBox. I used super glue between the Logo and the diffuser for minimum thickness and a glue gun for cable and LED strip management. Both types of glue would work for attaching the diffuser to the box, but I recommend using the glue gun for easier reopening if necessary.


I used Bambu's LED strip and I believe any strip can work. You might need ~1.2m strip length.

Make your sign

You can easily swap this Logo for your own Logo or text with Maker World's Make My Sign tool. The default size for the Logo is 220mm*220mm*1.2mm. I recommend making a thicker Logo if the Logo color is light (maybe 1.5-2 mm), this helps to prevent transmission light to show glues between the Logo and the diffuser (which you may see in my pictures). I printed the Logo face-down for the mesh look of the print plate and fewer print seals.


I made the LogoBox with P1S, and I realize this might be a bit larger than the A1 mini plate. I believe a universal 75% scale down is ok, but make sure to scale the Logo Part only in x/y directions and preserve the thickness (z).

Help make LogoBox better

I'd be very happy to hear your thoughts in the comments!


Bill of Materials

List other parts
Any LED strip is ok to make this model. A total of 1.2m LED strip is enough (for both box designs).

Purchase from Bambu Store

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