Here is my “No Waste” rattles! All the AMS poops and even the prime lines(cut up) are put inside the rattle. I turned off prime tower and was left with a 3d print that produced nothing for my plastic waste bins.
-----For best results, use a deburring tool or razor to break edges on flat face! This will make it much safer!
-----------If giving to child who will put in mouth, make sure the PLA you use does not use toxic additives. Also make sure you remove any use plastic that may not have printed properly.
Make sure the print is set to pause at layer 110!!!!!! This is to fill the rattles! This pause is about 20 minutes from end of print
What I did was once the multi colored sections were done, I grabbed the poops and trimmed that strings coming off of them and turned them more into balls (don't throw that trimmings away!). Then, when the print paused, I pulled off the prime lines, cut them up, and put all of the waste plastic into the cavities. BOOM! No waste rattle!
It is fully sealed and very durable once the print is done. I also made it so the ends are too big for an infant mouth while also making it light enough and small enough for an infant.
Make sure to pause at layer 110 to fill in rattles!!!!
You can also pause at layer 4 (the Curious George and CoCoMelon Cody ones are programed to do this regardless for manual swap (See their sheets for info). To change the body of the rattle color incase you do not want it to stay one of the four colors needed for the face.
You can turn prime tower back on if you prefer. I wanted to make this ZERO waste material so I turned mine off. It came out really nice!
I trust giving this to my own daughter. My daughter used a very similar one I designed a year ago and it has held up very well. Please check before giving to any child to confirm it is not damaged. Use your own judgement before giving this to a child.
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