Filament-PM filament swatches / samples

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Filament-PM filament swatches / samples

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Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

PLA - white - 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
PLA - white - 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
19 min
1 plate

Open in Bambu Studio


These are my Customizable Filament swatches, customized and ready-to-use as STL for all filaments available from filament-pm (colors, materials).

Use them to know the colors you have on spool at the moment! This way you don't have to print and stick any labels anymore.

Other filaments: Please have a look at the Customizable Filament swatch, it also includes the OpenSCAD source so you can customize your own version. It also has hundreds of makes:

Let me know if you have other filament producers list of filament types and colors, then i can create all needed STL as a batch as well.

Note: The last hole is to stick in a piece of filament for later reference, which is a great idea first realized in this remix by mathiaspl20:


If you print a swatch, please share a picture using the "comment" button and attach the picture. This way we can collect here filament print quality via pictures...

Browsable Filament Box

The swatches fit into this new hinged box with print-in-place hinges, which hold each swatch in place. Its easy to browse and arrange swatches using the mechanism.

Standard Box

As they are, the swatches fit into this customizable filament box. There you find different sizes (for 20, 30, 40 swatches) and also versions with pegboard pins. The box is based on the one from Jaxel.

Box dividers

In case you print several filament swatches, you might need a solution to remember which spools are empty or bad. For this, use these configurable dividers. Included are “bad”, “good”, “empty”, “nearly empty”, and a few filament types like “PLA”, “ABS”, “PETG”.

Background on swatches

Insipration came from different swatch cards on thingiverse, all attached in the "remixed from" section on the Thingiverse model, and they seem to all go back to the design from venegade. The swatches are: Color swatches, Swatch for label maker, Swatch toolkit, Filament card with label, Elixir filament swatches, A better filament swatch, Yet another filament sample. Thanks go out to all of the designers for the idea and the subsequent iterations!

Thanks go out to teruteru314 for supplying the same model as solidworks file (.sldprt) which is included on the original Thingiverse page, as i cannot upload it here.
There are some bug fixes in version "S", thanks to Lyl3t for the review.

Print instructions

It slices well using PrusaSlicer, Slic3r or Simplify3D.
If you have troubles slicing using Cura, e.g. thickness steps are disappearing: Set "Slicing Tolerance Option" to "middle". Thanks go to Keichide for the hint.

To have comparable swatches as the ones posted here, please print the swatch at

  • Layer height .2mm
  • 2 Perimeter
  • 5 Solid layers
  • 20% infill (fill pattern grid, fill angle 45 degree)

Don't use supports. The structures are there to evaluate how well bridges work without supports.

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Print Profile
PLA - white - 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
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