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Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
1.6 h
1 plate

Open in Bambu Studio


I don't know about you, but I love models of Cthulhu. I never tire of trying to re-imagine him in a variety of manners, some that are loyal to his intended terror-filled origins and some that are like this. I present: Coolthulhu! He's the kind of Great Old One you want to have a Nice Cold One with on a sunny Saturday. Of course, I couldn't just stop at one way to display this awesome design, oh no, I had to come up with multiple ways to show him off. I'm still working on some other models that will incorporate him, but this upload includes two: Raised (designed to be easy to manually filament swap) and the original AMS version

Files included:

Coolthulhu - Raised (STL) model: This model features a solid background, with Coolthulhu's awesome design placed on top for easy manual or AMS/MMU filament swaps. If printing at original Z height and .20mm layer height, add a filament swap at layer 6 for a clean cut-over to highlight the model's best features.


Coolthulhu - AMS (Bambu Studio 3MF) model: This one is my personal favorite! I built this file to take advantage of the ability to automatically swap filaments in the middle of a layer, so the model doesn't need to be printed at different heights for different colors. This results in a clean look that I am just loving! If you have a Bambu Lab printer/AMS, this one is a must! All set up and ready to go!


Coolthulhu (raised color) - AMS (Bambu Studio 3MF) model: If you're looking for an easy way to print the "Raised" version and you have a Bambu Lab printer/AMS, this one is the one for you. All set up and ready to go!


Coolthulhu (raised color) - Manual Filament Swap (Bambu Studio 3MF) model: If you're looking for an easy way to print the "Raised" version, but don't have an AMS, this one is the one for you. The filament swap is already added at layer 6.


Designed to print with a .20 layer height and 2 walls. A brim may be needed if your printer's adhesion isn't dialed in, but one likely won't be needed. You should be able to size up or down without much issue.


If you make either of the models, please upload your pictures. I would love to see them!

Comment & Rating (2)

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I'm definitely going to print this later on today when I get to my PC. I'll edit my comment with pictures afterwards EDIT @JASAA3D I love the way this came out! I kept trying to edit the colors so that I could do red and black but however the file is set up, bambu just didn't want to agree with me on how I wanted to paint it. still super stoked on how it came out though!
The designer has replied
@ohgoddamn Can't wait to see it! I just put mine up and it looks so good! I'm a bit biased, but 🤷‍♂️😂
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