Boost Me (for free)
Boost me so I can get more scanned fruit uploaded to throw with my child!!
So my child and I like to play catch with lightweight plastic fruit. All the rest broke. So I had to print a Plum. I had already printed a Carrot, Banana, Strawberry, Apple, Orange, Lemon, and Lime so an Plum was logically next. Plus this cool guy wanted a plum. YOu get a plum
So I scanned this "IRL Plum" in the MakerLab AI Scanner tool. It worked, I could not believe it. My filament color and matte finish sucks. I need to buy some better plum color to upgrade the pictures. Can you send me pictures of you plum with better filament?
Plum - Amazing Texture - Fun To Throw - Don't Eat
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