This is a layer shift tower. It's designed to introduce issues with several different features, starting and ending at different heights. It will show artifacts like general layer shifts, ringing, and benchy hull line.
It comes in 2 variants - with infill to test how infill and floors can affect layer shifts and hollow to test how features only will affect layer shifts. It will also test your printer's ringing if you print it 4 times rotated differently on a single build plate sharp corner to the center.
I've designed it to argue that it's not just the infill pattern difference causing layer shifts, but mainly the walls' features - as you see in my printed hollow towers. My theory is that slowdowns for those features can mess up with the printer's tolerances, and those features can introduce obstructions to the nozzle path, which is especially visible on multiple objects. In some cases, a nozzle can hit the feature after it warped upwards, and thus get its coordinates shifted for some time.
I recommend printing all 4 towers at the same time in order to introduce travel between models that will accumulate error by introducing a factor of traveling between models.
I hope those models will help shed more light on the issue, especially when printing multiple objects. Especially when doing it in multiple colors.
WARNING: this is only for BambuStudio. Orca Slicer will produce additional internal geometry I wasn't designing for.
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