Wild Bee Hotel (Insect hotel)

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Wild Bee Hotel (Insect hotel)


Print Profile(2)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 4 walls, 15% infill
0.2mm layer, 4 walls, 15% infill
37.1 h
3 plates

0.28mm layer, 5 walls, 15% infill
0.28mm layer, 5 walls, 15% infill
1.5 h
1 plate

Open in Bambu Studio


Wild Bee Hotel Assembly Instructions

You're about to build a Wild Bee Hotel that'll not only add a charming touch to your garden but also offer a safe haven for our buzzing friends. This project is perfect for anyone passionate about supporting local wildlife and engaging in sustainable practices. For the construction of the nesting tubes, we recommend purchasing them directly through this affiliate link.

Materials Needed

  • 3D-printed Wild Bee Hotel model parts
  • PETG filament for printing
  • Wild Bee Hotel nesting tubes (available on Amazon via the affiliate link provided)
  • Spax screw for mounting
  • Small hammer (optional but recommended)

Assembly Steps

1. Printing Instructions First off, print your Wild Bee Hotel parts using PETG filament. PETG is chosen for its durability and suitability for outdoor conditions, ensuring your bee hotel withstands the elements.

2. Preparing the Nesting Tubes Once you have your 3D parts ready, it's time to fill them with the nesting tubes. These can be easily inserted into the designated spaces of the hotel. Continue adding tubes into the available spots until they fit snugly. There's no specific order to follow, so feel free to fill in the spaces as you see fit.

3. Assembling the Roof The roof of your Wild Bee Hotel is designed to be both functional and customizable. It comes in individual pieces, allowing you to get creative with the colors. To assemble, align the roof pieces on top of the hotel structure. They're designed to fit tightly; however, for an extra secure fit, gently tap them into place with a small hammer. There's no need to worry about the pieces falling out, as they're engineered to stay put. Remember, all roof pieces are identical, so there's no particular sequence to follow.

4. Mounting Your Wild Bee Hotel To mount the hotel, simply secure it from the back at a chosen spot using a Spax screw. It’s quick, easy, and ensures your bee hotel stays in place.

Enjoy Your Wild Bee Hotel

Congratulations, you've just contributed to the welfare of wild bees! Place your new Wild Bee Hotel in a sunny, sheltered spot in your garden, and soon, you'll be hosting a buzzing community of pollinators. Enjoy the process of monitoring your hotel and observing its visitors.

Happy printing and conservation!

A Note on Nesting Tube Acceptance

From my personal experience, I've noticed that the nesting tubes might not be immediately popular with the local bee population in their first year. If you observe this, there's no need for concern. It appears to be a common initial reaction. However, patience pays off. By the second year, my Wild Bee Hotels have always seen a significant increase in activity. It seems the bees just need a little time to discover and get accustomed to their new accommodations. So, keep an eye out, and you'll likely see a bustling bee hotel before long!

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