Kismet Dice

Kismet Dice


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X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 50% gyroid infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 50% gyroid infill
7.6 h
2 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


Replacement dice for Kismet, the modern game of Yacht!


Kismet, the Turkish word for “fate”, is a dice game similar to Yacht / Yahtzee, with a few differences. The main difference is that Kismet uses dice with colored pips (1 & 6 are Black, 2 & 5 are Red, 3 & 4 are Green).


Like Yacht, players take turns rolling five dice. Each player can take up to three rolls per turn. On the second and third rolls, the player may hold back dice from the previous rolls in order to create better scoring combinations. At the end of the third roll, the player must enter a score into an open field on their scorecard. If the player cannot use their third roll in any scorecard field, they must enter a zero into an open field.


The scorecard contains two sections, Basic and Kismet:

Basic section:

Points are scored for the number of pips on the dice displaying the chosen category. There are six categories:

  1. Aces (ones)
  2. Deuces (twos)
  3. Treys (threes)
  4. Fours
  5. Fives
  6. Sixes

Each of these categories is scored by adding the total of dice that match the category. For example, after the third roll, dice displaying (3, 4, 4, 6, and 4) may be entered as a score of 12 in the Fours section (the total pips on the dice displaying 4), a 3 in the Treys section (3x1), or a 6 in the Sixes section (6x1), if those categories are still open.


Basic Section Bonus Points:

  • 35 bonus points are awarded if the Basic Section totals 63 to 70
  • 55 bonus points are awarded if the Basic Section totals 71 to 77
  • 75 bonus points are awarded if the Basic Section totals 78 or more

Kismet Section

The Kismet Section is scored based on creating dice combinations similar to poker hands. It is in this section that the colored dice come into play, as they determine scoring criteria below:

  • 2 Pair Same Color
    • Two pairs of numbers having the same color, fifth die can be anything
    • 1-1-6-6, 2-2-5-5, or 3-3-4-4
    • Any Four-of-a-Kind, same-colored Full House, or Kismet can also be scored under this category
    • Score: Sum of all dice
  • 3 of a Kind
    • Three or more dice having the same number
    • Score: Sum of all dice
  • Straight
    • 1-2-3-4-5 or 2-3-4-5-6
    • There is no "Small Straight" in Kismet
    • Score: 30
  • Flush
    • All dice showing the same color
    • Score: 35
  • Full House
    • Any Three-of-a-Kind and any Pair; color is not important
    • Score: Sum of all dice + 15
  • Full House Same Color
    • A Full House with all dice the same color
    • Score: Sum of all dice + 20
  • 4 of a Kind
    • Four or more dice showing the same number
    • Score: Sum of all dice + 25
  • Yarborough
    • Any combination
    • Kismet's "Chance" category
    • Score: Sum of all dice
  • Kismet
    • All five dice showing the same number
    • Score: Sum of all dice + 50

Rolling subsequent Kismets

There are no bonus points awarded for rolling additional Kismets, however each time a player rolls a Kismet after they've scored their first Kismet, the following happens:

  • The player may use the dice to enter a score in any open category, other than straight, based on the scoring rule of the category
  • Every other player must enter a 0 in the first open category in the Basic section, or a 0 in the Kismet category if the Basic section is full
  • All players lose a turn and the player who rolled the Kismet rolls again

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0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 50% gyroid infill
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