$6 Nozzle Cam (*for Stealthburner)

$6 Nozzle Cam (*for Stealthburner)


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Not wanting to spend a lot of money on something that doesn't directly improve performance I started looking around at different camera modules on Ali and came up with this.  It is adjustable on 3 axes and should work with any stealth-burner tool-head that has ADXL mounting points. 

Electronics are about $6 or $7 depending on your setup and don't require you to chew open an endoscope if you just buy the camera module on it's own.

Soldering is required. Tools needed: flush cutter, hobby knife and medium/thick CA glue (accelerator recommended for convenience.

Hardware needed: 2 self tapping m2x10 screws, 2 button head m3x8 screws.  Various bits of cable.   

Optional: 5v to 3.3v step-down, one or two neopixels  (on a pcb).

Print the required parts in the Voron standard settings ABS/ASA. 

5v to 3.3v step-down converter

Camera module

I have not been able to find an alternate source for this camera module.  Any endoscope camera should pretty much work, this one is 7.5mm in diameter and has similar construction to other endoscope cameras that I have seen.  Confirm your camera modules voltage. 

Inspired by other nozzle cams and I especially learned from Chilicoke who's video explains well how to get the modules un-mounted and focused. 

The camera arm has two detents which can be used as point to glue in one or two neopixel modules angled at the nozzle.  Keep access to the traces and wire direction in mind.   

The module board mount has a slot in which the board slides in, and will not need any adhesives.   There is a ‘blank’ module board mount which can be used to design options for other boards. 

I will eventually upload source files when I feel like I can't think of anything else to change.

I'm putting this into a 2.4 that I am  currently building so while the parts are basically final I might more details about the setup at a later time.

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