Valve Index Controller Charging Station

Valve Index Controller Charging Station


Print Profile(1)

A1 mini
X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
5.5 h
3 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


Valve Index Controller Charging Station

Printed in two parts:

  • The Base wich houses the cable, an on/off switch and the controllers.
  • The Backplate, not strictly necessary but saves the controllers from accidentally knocking them over.
    If you want some extra stabilty you can just glue the backplate on.

The normal version Base.stl is exactly the version I'm using that perfectly fits my specific magnetic cable, before you print this version check that you have the right cable!

The universal version has larger holes for the cable (11mm) so it should fit every standard USB-C cable.

Prints without support at any settings in any filament you like.

Feel free to share and modify the design.


How to build:

Universal Version (Plate 3)

To build it you will need at least:

  • A set of Valve Index controllers (duh)
  • The printed Base (universal version)
  • The charging cable of your choosing
  • Some hot glue

For this simple version you feed your cable through the hole and plug it into the controller.
Then you can add some hot glue to the hole and press the controller in so it's properly seated.
Once the glue is cooled you can do the other side.
Then you can plug in the USB and you're done.


  • No soldering
  • No need to cut the cable
  • Works with every cable


  • No on/off switch (you'll have to unplug it if you don't want the controllers charging all the time)
  • You have to be careful lining up the USB-C connector when putting the controllers in




Nicer magnetic version I'm using (Plate 2)

For the nicer version that I use you need these extra parts:

  • A switch (dimensions for my version: 12,6*18,5 mm; in the universal version you can drill your own hole)
  • A soldering iron
  • Magnetic USB-C cables
  • Heat shrink tubing / electrical tape

Depending on the magnetic cable you get (I bought mine on; they are round with 9mm diameter) you can either print my version of the base or the universal one.

The procedures for gluing in the connectors is the same, but if you use my version of the base you have to cut cable approximately 10cm from the USB-C end and feed it in from the top.

Make sure you do a dry fit first to test that the controllers properly seat in the Base (You may need to drill/sand the hole larger or cut some of the strain relief of the cable).
When you have both connectors glued in you can strip the ends of the two cables coming out of the base and of one of the USB ends you cut earlier.

The green and white data lines are not needed, but make sure they are isolated and can't short anything.
Then you can connect all 3 black wires togethers. And solder the two red wires coming from the base to one side of the switch and the red wire from the USB end to the other side of the switch.

Fix all the cables with some glue into place and done.


  • Nicer and cleaner look (just one wire out the back)
  • Magnetic connectors automatically pull the controller in the right position
  • On/off switch to stop the charging when full


  • More work
  • You have to cut the cable


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Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
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