The "Wobble" Nozzle

The "Wobble" Nozzle


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

PICK (2) of 4 Plates / 2 Models / Best Quality
PICK (2) of 4 Plates / 2 Models / Best Quality
5.6 h
4 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


THE “Wobble Nozzle”

Utilizing “Just The Tip.


This project ended as a “Happy Mistake” like Bob Ross once said. I wanted to gear this towards more of a holder / stand that was stationary and solid. Right off the printer it ended up being completely different than intended but I felt inspired! Although were not known for modeling art or very creative designs like others I definitely thought the community would love a nostalgic model that incorporated the history of where most of us started at with the “MK8 Nozzle” typically seen on the Ender Series.


 You can fill the wobble nozzle utilizing it as a pen holder!!

*NOTE ~ I fabricated some old parts to make a wireless RGB Lamp out of my Bambu Labs Transparent PETG Model!

GET CREATIVE! You'll find the [Video] Here!



Slap it on your desk at work, home or by the printers

Multiple selections of “Coils” making it stationary, wobble, or even partially both!


~ Render of “Wobble-ess Nozzle” Model
~ Render of “Wobble Nozzle” 


  • WOBBLE OPTION (Wobbly, Fidget, Toy) / (#1 Build Plates)
  1. Remove [Custom Support] carefully from Nozzle ~ *This might leave a faint mark along bottom side
  2. Take [Coil] and stretch out carefully to get desired “Bounce” ~ *This works with or without heat!
  3. Insert [Coil] into [Nozzle] ~ Should snap fit right in ~ *First time will be tight! Once it's in, try spinning it a bit
  4. Test out the recoil and center mass, you might need to adjust/bend coil to ensure it's centered ~ It shouldn't break!
  5. Once done you'll have a nice conversation piece & daily reminder of what nozzles used to be like!
  • HOLDER OPTION ~ {WOBBLE-ESS} (Pencil, Marker, Pen, Scissor Holder) (#2 Build Plates)
  1. Remove [Custom Support] carefully from Nozzle ~ *This version is slightly larger on the ID, Inner Brim should pop out EZ
  2. Take [Coil] and without stretching snap into [Nozzle] ~ *First time connection will be tight! Try spinning it to free up the tolerance!
  3. Test the balance by adding pencils, pens, markers etc. ~ *You might have to bend the base a little to get center mass perfect!
  • When testing this model I noticed it's more satisfying to have the [Nozzle] at a slight angle versus 90 degrees when [Holding] things. So I increased snap fit diameter to allow a slight angle when resting. Based on user feedback, if a rigid 90 degree is demanded I'll release it. For now this is the way.


SAVING FILAMENT/PRINT TIME; IF using RAW FILES ensure [Custom Support] Model is @ [0% Infill


First snap fit into [Nozzle] can be tight; Try to wear in the snap a few times and it should become easier but still hold

IF print fails by adhesion to build plate manually increase the “Inner Brim” size a little (3mm - 4mm)

IF print fails by adhesion to build plate try slowing wall speeds even more

IF you over stretch the spring don't worry, simply bend it back into shape!

REMEMBER the [Build Plates] correspond to one another / Match [#1-#1] & [#2-#2]

IF heating to stretch ensure you DO NOT OVERHEAT a small amount of heat goes a LONG way!

When removing custom support [no scarring] will be solely based off printers calibration; if there's a mark, just sand it off 

Wobble Nozzle ~ This model's [Inner Diameter] is Smaller than the [Wobble-ess Nozzle] model to enhance “Wobble


Wobble-ess Nozzle ~ This model's [Inner Diameter] is Larger than the [Wobble Nozzle] model to stabilize the “Holder” feature

💬 REMARKS ~ ~ ~

~ I've modeled (2) other infill types as bases, monotonic & gyroid (Planned for future add on)

~ This wasn't a planned release so updates will come with improvements and adaptions!

~ (2) Other types of nozzles are in mind as well versions to feature “Debossed Nozzle Sizes

~ Although I've only tried it scaled down @ [25%], this model can be scaled indefinitely! I would love to see what people come up with!!!

~ Be creative with this, use Bambu Studios [Text] feature to emboss/deboss lettering inside OR outside


~ Wireframe of “Custom Support” Model in Fusion

📣 MENTIONS ~ ~ ~

I'd like to give a huge shout out to the Forum community for empowering me (Cody - CEO) of Protospyre LLC to continuing on with providing models on MakerWorld. At times this can feel very discouraging but always strive to do your best and be the best you can be. This is a great example of some engineering possibilities you can accomplish with 3D printing. 1 mishap led to another but ended being something we can use on a smaller scale now for another project in the books.


Thank you for following, liking our page/models, rating our profiles and submitting feedback.

We know our models aren't perfect and nothing is in the world of 3D printing, but we try to differentiate ourselves by responding to feedback ASAP. I know we can get it to work for us but the point is making it seamlessly work for YOU!


🤝Special Thanks to @ByteSlinger aka 3D Revolution

For the inspiration, guidance, as well settling an official model name

~ Please Check Out his Youtube Channel [LINK]


I truly Thank You for reading and stopping by


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You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, host, transfer, or distribute in any way the digital or 3D printed versions of this object, nor any other derivative work of this object in its digital or physical format (including - but not limited to - remixes of this object, and hosting on other digital platforms). The objects may not be used without permission in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, or collect fees.