Firstly, yes the pics show a golden carrot! I didnt have enough orange on hand for testing prints so I used some random silk sand gold filament that I haven't found a great use for yet. Anyways…..
This is a smaller version of my impractical carrot toy sword, The Karrotana (ref:
Wanted to make it printable on the A1 Mini series and just generally a more portable carrot sword for those with a concealed carrot carry permit.
The 3mf contains two printable plates… plate the first has a taller mini karrotana with no stem while plate the second has a shorter mini karrotana with stem.
Both require 4 - 3x6mm magnets to connect the tip to body.
Additional shameless self promotional links:
The mini still works with the Karrotana Holder:
For more food weaponry, check out the Pickle Sickle and Banana Saber:
Also, see my new 7ft long Bo Staff:
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