FT Flyer Motor mount

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FT Flyer Motor mount


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UPDATE: after a few flights with a few hard landings(crashes) it finally broke the top off where the 2 skewers slide into the motor pod, this didnt stop the flying for the day cause i was able to pull the rubber bands over the skewers an it held them in place but i decided to re enforce the original design so i added alittle more material above the holes an some braces on the side, i have it printing right now so ive not got to try v2 my self just yet but i cant see any of the changes i made interfering with anything on the plane. hope this helps an enjoy. again any suggestions are appreciated.

ive been messing with the flight test plane for the past month an i dont have away of cutting out the motors firewall out an attaching it other than print them an when trying to hot glue them they never stick to the hotglue an i found that i could use super glue to glue the firewalls to the hot glue but was still not happy with that so ive been take an making these that are pretty much just a cage that goes around the front of the plane that holds the motor in place, im still new to all this an learning but when building the flyer i never could find out if the firewall had a angle that it need to have so this one is flat to the front of the plane. if it needs an angle add let me know an i can make that change pretty easy. i cant say its been on a plane that had a successful flight yet cause ive always ended with a crash but i can say its held up through the flights an then crashes always ends the flight time cause crashes have always broken props but if anyone with more experience gives it a try an has more skill that could give me feed back on these would be greatly appreciated. i dont know if they are being made to heavy or if they are fine. if they are to heavy i can lighten them up some im sure by making the walls thinner an adding mor holes to the model, but until i am told they are to heavy or figure it out own my own, this will probably stay the same unless other feed back leads me to changing it an if i do i will have updates at the top of the summary.

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                Filament:                                     Sunlu PLA                                    Orange                    


easy to print no supports needed, if the ft flyer has a angle for the motor then i got this wrong, i couldn't find anything when building it so i assumed it was just flush with the front of the plane. i printed mine at 100% an it was a very snug fit so if u want u could scale it up to 102% or as much as u need cause it has to holes on either side so u can slide bamboo skewers through the body to help hold it on, mine was so snug it probably didnt need this but i still put the skewers in an cut them off flush with the edge of the part an then layed a beed of hot glue over the hole an so far they have stuck to the plastic to make sure the skewers dont fall out. but id doubt they would even without the glue cause everything fit so snug.

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