Wraps Set - Nature Leaf Drops - Natur Blaetter

Wraps Set - Nature Leaf Drops - Natur Blaetter


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.08mm layer, 1 walls, 100% infill
0.08mm layer, 1 walls, 100% infill
6.2 h
2 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


Hier habe ich ein Hueforge Set für euch erstellt.

Es besteht aus 2 Wraps als Naturbild mit Tropfen in jeweils 200x200

Vielleicht ne komische Idee, aber die habe ich vor Jahren mal für einen Contest erstellt.

Werden die Farben beim AMS bei euch geändert durch die 3mf dann macht einfach einen resync dann sollte alles wieder passen.

Drucker muss dafür aber an sein. Ich habe den passenden Rahmen dafür in meinem Profil.

Bitte beachten: nehmt ihr nicht die 3mf sondern die Stl (da sind beide drin) dann aufpassen:

Beide Bilder haben jeweils eine leicht geänderte Einstellung der Farben im Slicer für den Wrap 1 und den Wrap 2.


Gefallen dir die Bilder dann bitte denkt an euer Like oder Kommentar.


Wrap 1:

Print at 100% infill with a layer height of 0.08mm with a base layer of 0.16mm

Filaments Used:
PETG JAYO Black Transmission Distance: 0.3
PETG JAYO Gray Transmission Distance: 2.5
PETG GEETECH Gray Transmission Distance: 3
PETG JAYO White Transmission Distance: 6

Swap Instructions:
Start with Black
At layer #7 (0.64mm) swap to Gray
At layer #12 (1.04mm) swap to Gray
At layer #18 (1.52mm) swap to White for the rest.


Wrap 2:

Print at 100% infill with a layer height of 0.08mm with a base layer of 0.16mm

Filaments Used:
PETG JAYO Black Transmission Distance: 0.3
PETG JAYO Gray Transmission Distance: 2.5
PETG GEETECH Gray Transmission Distance: 3
PETG JAYO White Transmission Distance: 6

Swap Instructions:
Start with Black
At layer #8 (0.72mm) swap to Gray
At layer #12 (1.04mm) swap to Gray
At layer #17 (1.44mm) swap to White for the rest.



Here I have created a Hueforge set for you.

It consists of 2 wraps as a natural image with drops in each 200x200

Maybe it's a strange idea, but I created it for a contest years ago.

If the colors by AMS are changed by the 3mf then simply do a resync and everything should work again.

But the printer has to be on for this. I have the right Frame in my Profile

Please note: If you don't take the 3mf but the Stl (both are in there) then be careful:

Both images each have a slightly changed color setting in the slicer for wrap 1 and wrap 2.


If you like the pictures, please remember to like or comment.


Wrap 1:

Print at 100% infill with a layer height of 0.08mm with a base layer of 0.16mm

Filaments Used:
PETG JAYO Black Transmission Distance: 0.3
PETG JAYO Gray Transmission Distance: 2.5
PETG GEETECH Gray Transmission Distance: 3
PETG JAYO White Transmission Distance: 6

Swap Instructions:
Start with Black
At layer #7 (0.64mm) swap to Gray
At layer #12 (1.04mm) swap to Gray
At layer #18 (1.52mm) swap to White for the rest.


Wrap 2:

Print at 100% infill with a layer height of 0.08mm with a base layer of 0.16mm

Filaments Used:
PETG JAYO Black Transmission Distance: 0.3
PETG JAYO Gray Transmission Distance: 2.5
PETG GEETECH Gray Transmission Distance: 3
PETG JAYO White Transmission Distance: 6

Swap Instructions:
Start with Black
At layer #8 (0.72mm) swap to Gray
At layer #12 (1.04mm) swap to Gray
At layer #17 (1.44mm) swap to White for the rest.



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This user content is licensed under a Standard Digital File License.

You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, host, transfer, or distribute in any way the digital or 3D printed versions of this object, nor any other derivative work of this object in its digital or physical format (including - but not limited to - remixes of this object, and hosting on other digital platforms). The objects may not be used without permission in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, or collect fees.