Skull Pirate Coin - Luck of the Leviatan

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Skull Pirate Coin - Luck of the Leviatan


Print Profile(1)

A1 mini
X1 Carbon

0.08mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill A1 mini
0.08mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill A1 mini
1.1 h
1 plate

Open in Bambu Studio


Amid the tempests and whispers of the Caribbean, there existed a legend, less spoken of but deeply cherished by those who knew of its existence. It was the tale of Captain Sofia LeBlanc, a pirate unlike any other, not for her ruthlessness but for her unmatched luck at sea. 



The source of her fortune, they said, was a set of ancient coins, known as the Luck of the Leviathan.

Legend had it that these coins were bestowed upon LeBlanc by a mermaid, a guardian of the deep, in exchange for saving her life from a hunter's net. Unlike cursed treasures that brought doom and despair, these coins were enchanted to bring unparalleled luck to their bearer. 



But there was a condition: the luck would only remain as long as the coins were never used for greed or malice.

Captain LeBlanc, with the coins in her possession, embarked on adventures that were the envy of every pirate and sailor. Her ship, the Whispering Wind, seemed to glide through the most treacherous waters unscathed, always finding safe passage where others found ruin. She unearthed treasures thought to be mere myths and outmaneuvered the most fearsome adversaries, all the while upholding a code of honor that was rare among her contemporaries.



The coins did not just protect her; they seemed to imbue the Whispering Wind and its crew with fortune's favor. They never faced famine, mutiny, or defeat. Yet, LeBlanc knew the mermaid’s warning well: the moment she let greed cloud her heart, the luck would turn.

Years passed, and tales of LeBlanc's exploits grew. Many sought the Luck of the Leviathan, driven by envy or desperation. But Captain LeBlanc, ever vigilant, ensured the coins never fell into the wrong hands. When her time came, as all legends must end, she cast the coins into the heart of the sea, back to the mermaid who had gifted them, so that the luck could one day find another worthy soul.



The legend of Captain Sofia LeBlanc and her lucky coins became a beacon of hope among sailors. It was a reminder that not all pirate tales were of greed and curses but that some spoke of fortune, honor, and the mysterious bonds that tie the fates of the sea to those brave enough to chart its waters.


Nozzle Size0.4mm
Layer Height0.2mm
Infill Density20% or more
Infill PatternCubic
Wall Line Count2 or more
Wall OrientationInside To Outside
Print OrientationSTL orientation


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0.08mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill A1 mini
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