Bambu lab A1 apple watch charger

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Bambu lab A1 apple watch charger


Print Profile(2)

A1 mini
X1 Carbon

0.08mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.08mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
53.9 h
9 plates

Multicolor version
Multicolor version
23.6 h
8 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


Update: I am currently printing the multicolor version and Its looking super nice, make sure to have flow calibration on, otherwise you will get some ghosting like how I did


Bambu lab A1 printer scale model for Apple watch charger

Hello everyone! I have been working on this model for a week. I have been printing and testing every single part multiple times to get the best results. I allow everyone to play with this model and make changes as long as you give me credit :) for it. I will be working on a regular Iphone charger soon for this one with the kit that Bambu Lab sells for the A1 mini. Checkout my profile for more prints! If this model gets enough likes and downloads I will be working on more bambu labs printers models and making them into chargers or something else besides the project mentioned of making this an Iphone charger.
>>Scroll all the way down to see the changelog as I will be posting all the updates made to this model there.

Printing and installation

  • First, I recommend to have flow dynamic calibration ON for all the plates. it is very important to print this model from the website/slicer software instead of the app.
  • Two options are offered. A single color and a multicolor one with a black, white and green PLA, use the one you want by selecting a different print profile!
  • As I said above, I will be making more changes to this model, but you can do too!!! Just post it on the comments section and we can work together to make this model better!
  • Steps to put all the parts together
  1. First print every plate one by one in the same order I have them, skip plate 8 (fig 1) since that one has a different base type.
Fig 1

2. Now once you print the first plate, second and third, put the cover in top of the printer's base. This is how the base should look like once first printed. (Fig 2)(Plate 1)

Fig 2

3. Install covers and base plate. (fig 3)(Plate 1, 3 and 4)

Fig 3

4. Once these steps are completed, install both X axis rails and the top y beam (fig 4). To snap all this parts together you will need to apply some force. (Fig 4)(plate 2)

Fig 4

5. Once done you can install the top cover of the PEI plate which has the whole for the watch charger. Make sure to install the charger together with the plate. After this, you can install the screen and the moving Y beam with the right motor at the right end and the filament cutter at the left end. (Fig 5)(Plates 2 and 6)

Fig 5

The model should look like the Fig 5 shown. I am still working on the hot end and extruder. You can download them and see if they work for you!


-Version Updated the multicolor profile to have a 4th color (metalic silver)

-Version First model after multiple changes. I will be printing the multicolor version once I get my new filament and I will be posting updates


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