Moon's Nema 14 strain relief

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Moon's Nema 14 strain relief

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The Moon's Nema 14 that is commonly used with the Sherpa, Orbiter 2.0 and of course the Clockwork 2 extruder is a great motor, with one big flaw - the wiring. I've seen many people complaining and showing pictures of their wires ripping out of the body, thus making it very hard, sometimes impossible to fix. I was afraid that the exact same thing is going to happen to my motor, so I looked for a strain relief online.

I found a model that someone made to use on a Voron V0, but it didn't exactly do what I needed it to, so I edited it a little.

You're gonna need two long M3 screws and M3 nuts to secure the mount to the motor. 30mm is going to be alright I suppose.
If you don't have such long screws, you can scale down the spacers a little, then from the motor's side secure them shorter screws (I used the ones that came with my Orbiter 2.0), and then secure the actual strain relief with another pair of screws.
You're also gonna need a small M3 screw to mount the holder onto the strain relief body.

I think the pictures show well how you're supposed to secure the wires but basically you take the motor wires, bend them outwards a little so they're not being pulled on and have some “safe space”, then put them between the strain relief's body and the holder, and finally secure them with the holder so the wires do not move at all - that way when the wires are being pulled on, they won't be ripped straight out of the motor.

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