Infinity folding card

Infinity folding card


Print Profile(1)


0.16mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
0.16mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
7 h
1 plate

Open in Bambu Studio


A new take on the infinity cube fidget toy. This one packs small and plays large.


I have included 2 versions of this.

All in one STL file.

Each component as a separate STL file.


Using the version where each component is its own file, you can easily select different colors for each part.


This prints the best when it is standing up so the longest length is in the Z axis. It will print in any orientation, however your results may vary.


If you print the infinity card laying flat on the bed, I recommend you increase your layer height to .2 as this will cause a single layer gap between the parts, giving you better surface finish. Printing flat on the bed is also the best orientation for using multiple colors as this reduces the overall number of color changes needed. You may emboss letters on this as I have done in the pictures to make your own business card or what not.


Post-print processing is required.  Printing this card does requires some post processing with a razor blade in order to get the panels to move freely.  The most efficient print orientation is when you print the card with the longest edge on the z axis,  (upright and tall print).  See the pics that show a razor blade.  You only have to loosen ONE edge and everything should be free.  If you print laying flat, you will have the most work to do where you will need to use a thin razor blade to separate the panels in all of the locations shown in the pics.


Your printer MUST be calibrated for perfect plastic flow in order to print this file.

If you have problems getting the panels and hinges to separate, you might try calibrating the flow ratio for your particular filimant.  As an alternative, you might need to either print the file at 110%-150% or you could also try setting "X-Y hole compensation to something like -0.01 or -0.02.  This will shrink all items in the x-y plane essentially enlarging the interface between objects.  If you go too far, everything will break when you move them.

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