Build a zombie

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Build a zombie


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My design for a halloween zombie. Includes couple different hand, pants and head models.


Printing guide:
I printed models using P1S bambulab latte brown PLA, bambulab white PLA and jeyo grey PLA+, jeyo matte black PLA. 0.2mm layer height, 15% infill.


I have tested printing the model at 1x and 0.7x scale and both worked ok.


STL files include custom supports and models without supports.


You can choose to print model with custom supports or your desired orientation. I didnt make custom supports for hook arms.


You need 4xConnectors to link the parts together +1x for every pirate hand. My design for a halloween zombie. Includes couple different hand, pants and head models.


Short video showing the model:


Printing guide:
I printed models using P1S bambulab latte brown PLA, bambulab white PLA and jeyo grey PLA+, jeyo matte black PLA. 0.2mm layer height, 15% infill.

STL files include custom supports and models without supports.

You can choose to print model with custom supports or your desired orientation. I didnt make custom supports for hook arms.

My design for a halloween zombie. Includes couple different hand, pants and head models.


NOTE! installing conntectors might require use of a small pen/screwdriver to push them in properly. The connector pieces are brittle and might break easilly.

- Connectors should be printed sideways for maximum layer strength.
- Brim should be added for printing stability
- "Pirate hand" should have manually added supports aka. "painted supports" if you print it in angle.
- 4 wall loops (optional)
- top surface: concentric (optional)
- tree supports (auto enabled)


Picture reference of how I oriented the models in my print.
- 0.2 layer height or lower
- custom supports + tree supports (auto)
- brim
- 4 wall loops
- concentric top layer

You can try other orientations for better supports
- Connectors should be printed sideways for maximum layer strength.
- Brim should be added for printing stability
- "Pirate hand" should have manually added supports aka. "painted supports" if you print it in angle.
- 4 wall loops (optional)
- top surface: concentric (optional)
- tree supports (auto enabled)


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Models designed by thingsbydesign
youtube: @thingsbydesign
instagram: things_by_design


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