Freedom for Palestine Keychain & Pin design

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Freedom for Palestine Keychain & Pin design


Print Profile(2)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 6 walls, 100% infill (Keychain model)
0.2mm layer, 6 walls, 100% infill (Keychain model)
40 min
1 plate

0.2mm layer, 6 walls, 40% infill (Pin Model)
0.2mm layer, 6 walls, 40% infill (Pin Model)
40 min
1 plate



Freedom for Palestine badge/Pin and keychain. Using 0.4mm nozzle @0.2mm layer height

Printing Tips:

  • If you choose to adjust the colors or want to use your own settings and parameters using the STL, just right click on the design and select split to parts. After that under the “process” tab choose “objects” and color all the different parts however you see fit (there are 39 parts, some of them represent the circles inside some of the letters and such, so double check work before sending to printer).
  • You will need an AMS for the color changes, you will at least need 4 colors (Red, black, green, and white). If you have 2 or more AMS you can add a 5th color which I use as a filler or to add extra colors for the text.
  • I recommend flipping the design upside down after choosing all the colors (so the design prints directly on the bed). This will help it all blend together nicer and give a nice surface design.
  • The design is only 3 layers (0.6mm) high, the rest (7 layers - 1.4mm) is just blank color to save color swaps and time printing. I would recommend using a very light color such as clear, white or light grey for the back part which is labeled “Freedom For Palestine STL (Keychain).stl_4” in the objects tab. If you want the design to show on both sides, you can do a cut after 0.6mm and scale the model in the Z direction only to whatever thickness you desire.
  • I recommend printing in ABS or ASA. I dont recommend printing in PLA or PETG, because PLA can warp and melt if you happen to leave the keychain or pin in a warm place in the summer (such as a car), and PETG reacts to almost any kind of glue, which you will need if you plan on adding pins to the back. Also PLA and PETG filaments tend to be more on the clear side, so small details of designs don't show as well on them. However PLA and PETG will still print fine, so if thats all you have, feel free to give it a try.
  • There are 2 3mf and 2 STL files. 1 file of each with a loop to add a keychain, and another without the loop if youd like to attach a pin or use it as a badge.

I printed thousands of these and my other assorted Palestine badges and sold them and used 100% of the collected money as donations to Gaza. That is the only kind of SELLING of these designs that I will accept. Otherwise if you want to just print a few for you, family, friends or others to show support, that is always appreciated.

For more palestine keychains and pin designs, please visit my profile. Thank you, happy ptinting, & Free Palestine!

Comment & Rating (3)

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Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 6 walls, 100% infill (Keychain model)
Thanks for the efforts. i printed a buch and giving them to people who are selling to donate money to Gaza. It turned out great, the text was a bit challenging so i had to slow down first few layers to get it best i can. thanks and keep it up
Keep it coming
Thanks for standing up for the people. Bless you
No more


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You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, host, transfer, or distribute in any way the digital or 3D printed versions of this object, nor any other derivative work of this object in its digital or physical format (including - but not limited to - remixes of this object, and hosting on other digital platforms). The objects may not be used without permission in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, or collect fees.