Outside Wifi Housing

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Outside Wifi Housing


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 4 walls, 10% infill
0.2mm layer, 4 walls, 10% infill
30.8 h
4 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


I created this for my specific router (Linksys MX5300) but some other router should be able to fit within it. So I figured I would upload here for anyone else to use.   created this because I have mesh wireless network that I wanted to extend into my backyard but Linksys does not make/sell any outdoor products to work with my other wireless mesh network devices. So I got creative and designed an enclosure to hold a Linksys MX5300 node and mount it outside on my deck. There are few extra things I did have to purchase to make this work, like a power extension cable, connector and power supply. I will provide links to what I use below.


I design it so all the parts pressed fit together. The only hardware needed is for the mounting brackets. For the sizing, the inner diameter is 150mm and has a height of about 320mm. To give an idea of internal volume of space, the dimensions of Linksys MX5300 are 114mm x 114mm x 243mm (4.5in x 4.5in x 9.6in). Just to clarify, the main body does just press into the mounting brackets. No hardware is needed. I have had mine up and installed through this winter and have had zero issues.


Overall dimensions: 160mm (diameter) x 411mm (height)

Yes, it does look like a gigantic pill.


Material: NuMaker PLA+

All together it does use a little over 1kg of material. Feel free to adjust the wall loops and infill density to try and decrease the amount.


Parts I purchased:

(Keep in mind the power supply, cable extension and adapter with work for LInksys MX5300, please research for your specific router)


Power Supply: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WGZ9RDR?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1

Power Cable Extension: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07L4QMKW7?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1

Power Adapter: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C74TR1GS?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details

Rubber Grommet: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CHY2WQ55/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1


I am trying to not write a book for the this, so if there is anything you would like more clarification or details on let me know in the comments






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I appreciate the message and completely agree that at some point in time the PLA+ will succumb to the weather. I guess I'm kind of testing it out to see how long it lasts. I had some parts that were PLA+ in my salt water aquarium for a little over 5 years before I had to reprint them. I have thought about just spraying the top of this with a sealant but haven't pulled the trigger on it yet. I'll update again in a few months.
I hope you've coated this print in something like resin. It's highly unlikely that PLA+ will be 100% waterproof. Glad to hear it survived the winter. Since it's white, and depending on where you are, it might hold up in the summer too? You might want to consider re-printing this in PETG or ABS for a higher melting temp
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