Necromunda Tokens - Embossed and Debossed versions

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Necromunda Tokens - Embossed and Debossed versions


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All the Necromunda tokens ever released along with my own versions of some that make the maker easier to recognize or use. Also added some extra ones that don't exist but found I needed from time to time. I printed them flat with the back on the build plate. Also added features to compensate for elephants' foot. 


I kept losing my tokens and/or getting them mixed up with other players. Now I can print out the ones I need. It's even possible to paint them to match your gangs. These tokens work fine with no paint or even mono-coloured. 


The debossed version are easier to paint and use less paint. I also avoided multi-coloured paint schemes since these work fine with just 1 colour over a contrasting resin or dark prime

How to infill paint

I tried a few ways to paint the tokens (paint needles, inks, thinned paint, contrast paints). Here is what worked for me and it is very simple:

  1. (Optional) Prime. Not really needed as the paint is in the recesses and the excess paint will need to be wiped off later. More useful when painting multi-colour versions of these tokens. I tend to prime anyway with a dark colour just for better contrast.
  2. Paint using Acrylic paints. 
    1. (Optional) If you're going for a multi-coloured theme, paint the raised sections first. Make sure it's dry between each colour. Varnish before moving on to part b.
    2. Brush the paint into every recess. This doesn't need to be neat, Just make sure it's dry before doing the next step.
  3. Use IPA and a cloth to wipe the front face of the token. Gently wipe away all the excess along the edges and you should be left with clean sharp edges. 
  4. (Optional) Seal your tokens with a varnish. Again more useful for multi-coloured paint themes but these tokens are likely to see a lot of action. Might be a good idea to varnish them to protect the paint.

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