Magnetic fidget infinity cube

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Magnetic fidget infinity cube

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This is a remix of the popular fidget infinity cube by austinvojta (model 928) that includes spots to embed 48 magnets to make playing with the cube more satisfying. It includes 6 magnets in each cube (one on each face), which makes 48 in total across the eight cubes that make up the infinity cube.

There are 4 options to print:
-3x3mm magnets - rounded edges
-6x3mm magnets - rounded edges
-3x3mm magnets - diagonal edges
-6x3mm magnets - diagonal edges

The 6x3 magnets give it a much stronger click, and the 3x3 magnets are weaker. Some people may even say the 6x3 version is too strong, but I like it.

When printing it, you will need to add pauses (or color changes in prusaslicer/superslicer) to insert the magnets. When inserting the magnets, you will need to follow this guide.

The guides beside the cubes show which direction the bottom magnets and top magnets must be facing. The magnets facing the 4 horizontal directions are visualized within the cubes.

For example, if we are just placing the magnets in the cube in the bottom left of the image, the bottom magnet (the first one we insert) will have north facing down towards the printer bed. Then later, when we reach the 4 horizontal magnets, the left one will have north facing towards the right, the back one will have north facing toward you, the right one will have north facing left, and the front one will have north facing toward you.

You do not need to know which poles are north and south, just pretend one pole is north, and the other pole is south, and follow the guide that way. This is just to show the direction of the magnets relative to the other magnets.

I'm not planning on making another remix with 8x3 magnets, or other-sized magnets because they would be too strong, but if you have specific magnets you'd like to use, let me know in a comment, and I might take a look.

Feel free to post a make of your print or add a comment if you have any questions. Thank you for printing!

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