Yellow Road Roller Modern Version 2 with movements

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Yellow Road Roller Modern Version 2 with movements


Print Profile(2)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
11.1 h
4 plates

Simplify blue version 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
Simplify blue version 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
14.6 h
7 plates





Upgrades From Version 1

1) The Body Panels can be now printed seperately and then joined with main body thus the distinct color combination can be achieved without painting.

2) The back panel engine cover is now operated with a Hinge Mechanism, earlier it was take off type. There is also a lever to hold the tilt position of panel.

3) Interference issues have been rectified.

4) Strengthened Body

5) Changes to Wheels.

6) Better Labelling for screw holes.

7) I recommend to print a Engine model and place it inside the engine room so that it is visible when the engine cover latch is opened.


I am very thankful to Mr Benoît Lussier for his feedbacks which has helped me refine the model further.

There are Four ways to print this.

1) As single piece:- Please download STL file but there wont be any movements.

2) Mutltiple Prints with body panel seperate :- THE PREFERRED WAY. Please download “Yellow Road Roller Modern Version 2 Combined with body panel seperated.3mf” file. The body can be printed in seperate colors and glued on. To simplify the aligning of panels, every panel has its own cavity cut in the body. You can use the same 3mf file as manual for assembling. You may need screws and or glue to complete assembly.There are pin to be printed for movements which can be sustituted with nuts or bots. Lock pins have also be not provided. I have been using a small piece of filament itself as lock pins. Also you may have to scale up the model to get the full play but make sure you dont lose the wall thickness and tolerance.

3) Multiple Pieces with merged body panels:- Please download "Yellow Road Roller Modern Version 2 Combined.3mf". In this the body panels are merged with the main body. Even when the distinct look can be attained by painting.

4) Full Dismantled :- Download 3mf file with Full_dismantled.3mf. Inteference issues are expected as this is the pre processed file. Advise only expert makers to use this. Print at your own risk. Also make sure when printing text seperatly, scale it down to 95% so that it will fit without any issues

Both the Back Wheels have been made hollow to ensure efficient printing.

Supports should be provided as required.

Appreciate the makes uploads.Open for suggestions.

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Comment & Rating (5)

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Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
Like the design and my kid was super excited but nothing really worked for me. I had a lot of issues with nuts and bolts, they were too tight i had to reprint a bunch of parts with different compensation. The model could be simplify to have a lot less supports. I had to double check the print orientation of the side panels to have the same texture for the PEI sheets.
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
Assembling is a bit challenging some tolerances are a bit tight requiring dremmel other than that its a very detailed and professional
Print Profile
Simplify blue version 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
Very good profile but still needs some adjustments. •The lid was too tight and the guides broke. •The exhaust pipe thing is too loose. It should be recessed further into the body. •The colored panels are also to tight and I had to just glue them on with E6000. •The bolt (that holds the roller body) is too tight to screw into the nut. I forced it together and glued it down. Decent all in all. My kid is 3 and not picky. He loved it.
The designer has replied
Thanks for the feedback! I had alot of issues too. I am not the creator of the 3D files so i did what i could with the slicer.
Print Profile
Simplify blue version 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
I want to print this truck for my nephew, but I think I'm going to improve the model and the printing profile. Many thanks!
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