City Skyline 5 and 6 of 8

City Skyline 5 and 6 of 8


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City Skyline Huge 8-Part HueForge Filament Painting 5 Colors 60cm wide Part 5 and 6 of 8


This is a big one! 8 Parts. 60cm wide. 5 Colors.


Not recommended for Beginners!



***Need some help on this one: This is part 5 and 6 of an 8 part filament painting. For all other parts I could include the Bambu Studio Files. These parts need more time to slice and I get a “failed” Message from Bambu when I try to upload the 3mf. You can still print these if you look at the other 6 parts and cut this stl in Bambu Studio accordingly. Swaps will need to be set manually… if anyone can produce a “working” 3mf and upload, that would be appreciated!***



This is for Bambu Cool Plate, if you use the Pei textured Plate, you need to change that!

I printed with 1 AMS, so I had to swap the first Filament (Bambu Matte Charcoal Black), once it was done printing, to last Filament (Bambu Matte Ivory White) manually! Keep that in Mind!

I used Gluestick for all plates!


It is then the same for all 8 Plates. This file contains Part 5 and 6 (of 8).

There is only one plate in the Bambu-File with part 5 on it.

Part 6 is next to the plate so you need to replace part 5 to print it.

This way the filament changes are preserved. If you know easier ways to do so, I`d be curious to learn!


Why so Big?

This is my first try on such a big filament painting. I tried to print it in 2 Parts and it came out well. But compared to the source picture many details got lost. One could certainly work around that with a .2 nozzle… but then I like it BIG!

So I found that 8 Parts, 60 cm wide worked just perfect for this picture. The photos show some but wait until you see it with your own eyes.

It blew me away… and other people too… but maybe they were just gentle :)


Of couse you can print each part for itself or just the middle 4 ones, will also look good but full size will make an amazing decorative piece!

If you are not so much into green you can easily swap it for any color/tone you prefer. Just keep in mind that Transmission Distance (TD) does the trick here! I chose Bambu Basic Green because its TD is 8, wich is pretty high so it will produce many color shades! Any filament color with similar or above TD will do the trick!

I`d love to see it printed in blue or red or even greyscale!

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