Naval Battle

Naval Battle


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It's a blast to play this game with the whole family, and it's definitely one of our favorites. We had a printed version, but it had a couple of issues for me. The pegs were too small and delicate, and there was no locking mechanism for the cover.

That's when I decided to take matters into my own hands and design my own version.

I've created three different styles of covers and multiple ship designs. Print out the ones that tickle your fancy the most.

Here's a little tip: if the peg doesn't fit smoothly into a hole, don't force it. It can be a pain to remove later. Check if you need to adjust the outer X-Y compensation on your printer and then print a batch of pegs.

I recommend printing:

  • Around 80 "Water" Pegs.
  • And then the number of 35 "Fired/Ship on Fire" Pegs. (The larger fire peg is for the top board, while the smaller one is for our ships when they're hot.)

The hinges are specifically designed to be used with filament. Simply insert the filament into the holes, cut it to the desired size, and add a drop of glue to both ends. It's a straightforward, simple and efficient solution.

Get ready for some friendly competition and enjoy the game!

Print Settings:
Material: PLA
Layer Height: 0.2
Infill: 15%
Walls: 3
Supports: No
Brim: No
Raft: No
Supports: No
Change filament during print: Yes, make your own color schemes :)

Enjoy. If you have any questions or suggestions, hit me up in the comments. And if you wanna support me, give it a like, download it, and share it with your friends. Happy printing!

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