First Class F16 Kit Card

First Class F16 Kit Card


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
1 h
1 plate



This meticulously crafted F16 kit card plane model is designed with great detail. It is a fun DIY project and an interesting showpiece designed for military aviation enthusiasts and 3d modeling alike. With its detailed scale representation of the iconic F16 Fighting Falcon, this model captures the essence of one of the most revered jet fighters in military history. Mounted on a sleek stand, it becomes an instant centerpiece, whether showcased in a home, office, or any space that appreciates the blend of technological achievement and aesthetic appeal. I recommend using plyers for a clean cut and using a razor blade or bed scraper to get the parts off one at a time when the bed has cooled. Thanks for reading/printing, and I hope you enjoy it. If you want a multicolor option you can print the plane twice in two different colors and then mix and match them which is what I did for the photos.




  1. Attain the wing parts:

2. Assemble the wing push in the small and large mount the small should be on the outside:



3. Push the missile through the large mount:

4. Add the top to the wing:

5. Push the wing on the plane side:

6. Push the small and medium double plane front on the front inner clip of the wing:

7. Repeat instructions 1-6 for the other wing and plane side.

8. Take the plane top (the longer of the two skinny pieces) and push the 3 remaining plane fronts the large double plane front and the large single plane front in the center:

9. Now push the top of the plane on with one of the wings by pushing the top through the medium and small plane front already mounted on the wing: 

10. Now you should have this:

11. Now push the two sides together once again by putting the medium and small front plane of the unattached side on the plane top:

12. Now add the tail and the rear jet on the back of them both pushing the rear jet through the hole on the top plane:

13. Now, slide the plane bottom between the plane sides into the lower hole slot: 

14. Push the small centerpiece under the plane right behind the front plane pieces: 

15. Now put the top wing on the top plane hole slot:

16. Now put the remaining stand piece in the bottom plane hole slot and connect the bottom stand joint to the bottom of the stand: 

17. Finally enjoy and thank you for reading: 

Comment & Rating (2)

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Wow, this is a nice kit card thanks. I took your advice and used a bed scraper for each part and plyers to cut the pieces. I was able to get it together in 10 minutes following your instructions. I am going to set it up on my desk.
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Thank you I am glad you liked it.
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