Alaskan Dogsled Kitcard

Alaskan Dogsled Kitcard


Print Profile(1)

A1 mini
X1 Carbon

0.08mm layer, 2 walls, 100% infill
0.08mm layer, 2 walls, 100% infill
47 min
1 plate



A fun dogsled kit-card.


Why I designed it

I made this because I saw a video about dogsledding. I thought it was really interesting, and decided that a little model version of the sleds would be neat. 


Notes about the design

It's worth mentioning that this design is based on the dogsleds commonly used in Alaska, but there are other designs. 


When I designed it I first put made it as separate parts, then put it into a kitcard. Initially I had the problem of the positions of the connectors making the tolerances not work properly. I had to move them so that no connections were in places that could potentially ruin the assembly process.


Some info about dogsledding:

If you want to learn more about dogsledding here's it's Wikipedia page, unfortunately its a pretty short page and doesn't say all that much.


In January 1925 a outbreak of diphtheria happened in a town called Nome. Due to bad weather the only way they could get the antitoxin to the town was via dogsled, which is the origin of what is probably the most famous dogsledding race called the Iditarod. In the end the dogsledders saved the town by relaying 674 miles from the town Nenana, and delivered the antitoxin in only 127 hours (that's really fast).

Here's a video on it if you're interested.


Also this is another interesting video by MinuteEarth about how dogs are able to run for so long.


Print settings and notes.

When printing, make sure the first/initial layer line width is ~.3mm

also make sure to print outside wall before inside wall.

Supports are not necessary


I'd recommend PLA or PETG filament, and lower layer heights for a better result. This model was made over about a week, and required a lot of work and prototyping (when i say a lot, i mean A LOT, i have ~20 prototypes on my desk) 


In the guide and pictures I used Brown Overture PLA



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