Perudo like

Perudo like


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0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
1.9 h
1 plate

Open in Bambu Studio


Objective: The objective of Perudo is to be the last player with dice remaining.

Players: Perudo is typically played with two or more players.


  1. A set of five six-sided dice for each player.
  2. A cup or container to shake and conceal the dice.


Each player starts with five dice and a cup. All players shake their dice in their cups and then slam them onto the playing surface, concealing the dice from other players.

The first player (usually determined randomly or by agreement) makes a bid. A bid consists of a quantity of dice and a face value (from 1 to 6). For example, a bid might be "three threes" meaning the player is claiming there are at least three dice showing the value of three on the table.

The next player can either raise the bid by increasing the quantity or the face value, or challenge the previous bid. If challenged, all players reveal their dice. If the bid was accurate, the challenger loses a die; if the bid was incorrect, the bidder loses a die.

Play continues clockwise, with each player making a bid or challenging the previous bid.

If a player loses all their dice, they are out of the game. The last player with dice remaining wins.

Rules for Bids:

  • The face value of a bid can be increased, or the quantity can be increased, but not both at once.
  • The minimum bid for a round is determined by the current bid or by starting with a bid of "one ones".
  • Players cannot make the same bid twice in a row unless the bid is challenged.


  • If a player challenges the previous bid, all players reveal their dice.
  • If the bid was accurate (equal to or higher than the bid), the challenger loses a die.
  • If the bid was incorrect (lower than the bid), the bidder loses a die.

Special Rules:

  • Ones are wild; they can represent any face value when determining the outcome of a bid or challenge.

The game continues until only one player remains with dice, who is then declared the winner.

Perudo is a game that involves elements of probability, strategy, and bluffing, making it highly engaging and unpredictable.

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