Shower Cabin Door Guide Pin

Shower Cabin Door Guide Pin


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The 3D model is an exact replica of the original part - the shower cabin door guide pin. This part is essential for the proper functioning of the shower cabin door and often experiences wear and tear over time. Our 3D model is the perfect solution for an easy and cost-effective shower cabin repair.

Defect Description: The shower cabin door guide pin is a crucial element that allows for smooth opening and closing of the doors. Damage or wear and tear to this part can lead to difficulties in using the shower cabin. Our 3D model is specifically designed to repair this commonly worn-out part.

Repair Process: The repair process using our 3D model is straightforward and doesn't require specialized tools or maintenance expertise. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Removal of the Original Part: Start by removing the damaged or worn-out guide pin from the shower cabin.
  2. Application of the 3D Model: Our 3D model is an exact replica of the original part, meaning it fits perfectly. Place our 3D model onto the location where you removed the original guide pin.
  3. Securing with a Screw: The 3D model has holes that align with the screws on the original part. Insert the appropriate screws through the holes and tighten to secure the guide pin in place.
  4. Adjusting the Door: After attaching the 3D model, carefully adjust the shower cabin door. Ensure that the guide pin works smoothly.
  5. Rotate by 90 Degrees: The final step is to rotate the guide pin by 90 degrees to ensure it smoothly enters the guide and allows for easy opening and closing of the doors.

Additionally, this part require supports during the 3D printing process. However, any support structures generated automatically by your slicer software will be good to ensure a successful print.

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