Guide tube for PTFE SUNLU Filadryer S2

Guide tube for PTFE SUNLU Filadryer S2


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 30% infill
0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 30% infill
45 min
1 plate



Guide tube for PTFE Filadryer S2


I have designed a guide tube for the Sunlu Filadryer S2 filament dryer.
If like me you have little space and cannot put the Filadryer in an optimal position so that the filament enters without being forced into the printer when you print while drying it, then you need this guide.
It is made up of three pieces that are joined together forming a 180º arc, but thanks to the union system they can be rotated independently to give it more versatility.

Each piece of the tube has a number engraved that indicates the order in which they should be assembled (although the important one is number 1, which is the one placed coming out of the Filadryer).
In addition to the three tubes, it has two other pieces to join the entire set.
The external diameter of the tube is 6mm, so it could be used for other brands of filament dryers that have an outlet hole of at least that size. The interior is prepared to be able to insert a 4mm PTFE tube.
To use it, you just have to insert piece No. 1 from the inside of the Filadryer lid, it has a tab that will prevent it from coming out, then you just have to join pieces 2 and 3, and finally insert the PTFE tube.

You must be sure that your construction plate is very clean and use, if necessary, some adhesive on it to ensure that the printing will not come off. Keep in mind that they are curved pieces with a thickness of 6mm, I have not They had no adhesion problems and have been printed without problem.
This design has been printed on an X1 Carbon, I don't know how it would behave on an A1 series printer with the movement of the bed. I recommend trying one piece first to make sure it won't give you problems.

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