Green Bin Cupboard Adapter

Green Bin Cupboard Adapter


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This adapter stores the kitchen bin on the cupboard door under the sink. It allows the bin to easily be taken off with one hand so that it can be used in the sink, on the counter, have the bag changed or emptied into the larger bin outside. The bin just slides on and off.


In 2024, London, Ontario, Canada is starting the Green Bin Program. They have delivered the Green Bins that go to the curb as well as a small bin to use in the kitchen. This was designed for the kitchen bin that the City of London (Ontario, Canada) provided. I have no idea if it will work with other municipalities bins. Leave a comment if it works or not for your locality so that other know.


This is version 2 of the adapter:


Screw holes and other geometry the same as v1. If you already printed off v1, there is no need for v2. The design was modified to print with no supports. Print standing up straight. PLA is fine and more than strong enough.


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