Roborock Auto Empty Adapter fit S7 Station to S8

Roborock Auto Empty Adapter fit S7 Station to S8


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Shalom folks,

Not being able to upgrade the S8 to the S8+ Auto Empty Station pissed me of so if you're the proud owner of a Roborock S8 and wish to make use of the readily available AutoEmpty Station designed for the Roborock S7, I've got some exciting news for you. I've successfully modified the base plate of the AutoEmpty Station to make it compatible with the Roborock S8.

Materials Needed:


Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Print the Modified Base Plate: duuh

2. Glue the thing together: On smaller printers like the MK3s you need to split the station into 6 pieces. Try to print in a direction that allows for smoots surfaces on the inside, so the dust wont clog easyily on the inside.

3. Secure the Base Plate: Using the M3 Screws screws, secure the modified base plate onto the AutoEmpty Station. Make sure the screws are tight, but don't over-tighten to avoid damaging the plastic.

7. Test and Enjoy: Power on your Roborock S8 and test the functionality. Your Roborock S8 should now work seamlessly with the AutoEmpty Station designed for the S7. Enjoy the convenience of automatic dirt disposal without any hassle!


Note: This modification is based on personal experimentation. The fit of the baseplate on the auto wmpty station is not a 10/10 but rather an 9/10. It fits and works since two months for me. I've already wasted 3kgs on test prints and did not want to wase any more in new prototypes :D.


UPDATE (Kugellager Version ) :


Updated version adds the ability to use regular bearrings instead of the little Roborock rollers ( mine fell off after 2 months and got sucked in)

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hi, this is really great. you've done a really good job and have given me hope for my problem. I lost my q8 max ramp/adapter so now it cant go on top of the auto empty bin. support didn't help either. so i was wondering where did you get all the dimensions? i wanted to make my own model that works for the q8 max. although yours can probably work with some tweaks as it looks quite similar to mine. thank you!
The designer has replied
Hi, thank you! I Think the Q8 has a single roller brush on the bottom. The S8 uses a dual roller system. I think that the only thing you need to adapt will be the size of the Suction portion. I took all my dimensions just by try and error :D
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