Decorative Hinged Wall Mounted Phone Stand

Remixed by

Decorative Hinged Wall Mounted Phone Stand

Remixed by

Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 10% infill
0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 10% infill
8.7 h
3 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


This model may or may not have been specifically designed for situations where you may find yourself sitting (on a throne, for example) for extended periods and don't have a suitable spot to place your phone in order to watch videos hands free…

Naturally, a typical wall mounted phone stand would look unusual positioned next to said throne, but some decor wouldn't look out of place at all. Thus was born the Decorative Wall Mounted Phone stand - a phone stand that swings outward for optimal viewing when in use, but which is disguised as art when not in use (to keep that throne room looking classy).

The model sits flush (excuse the pun) with the wall when not in use, but can be opened to face towards your viewing area due to the hinge mechanism. Simply swing it back against the wall to re-establish the wall art once your viewing experience is complete.

A much as this may have been designed for use in a throne room, given that the original Leaf soap dish design is quite attractive (kudos to the designer, as this is a remix), it could reasonably be used in other rooms of the house where similar functional decor is required.


What you need

  • Two 3mm x 12mm bolts with their respective hex nuts
  • Double sided tape
  • Spirit level for installation


Print Instructions

Both the artwork and hinge pieces should fit on most common size printers at the same time. No supports are needed.

A 0.2mm layer height will work fine as there aren't really any fine details in the model on the Z axis.

3 wall loops (for 0.4mm nozzles) can be used for strength, together with at least 10% infill.

Make sure to print the version with the hinge on the correct side for how you want to install it. The hinge itself is “universal” but the artwork pieces are not and will only open to one side.


Assembly Instructions

Simply insert the hex nuts into their designated slots on either side of the hinge piece. The nuts don't need to be glued or melted into place, but you can do so if you want the whole hinge mechanism to be a bit tighter.

The bolts can then be slotted through the holes in the artwork piece and into the hinge.

The bottom of the hinge piece is flat to attach double sided tape - place a strong, good quality piece of double sided tape the whole way up the hinge and then affix it to the wall. Lightly sanding and then cleaning the bottom of the hinge piece may aid in adhesion.

For best results, ideally the glue from the tape should cure for at least 24 hours before applying any weight on it (i.e. your phone).


Accompanying Art Works

If you'd like to also print out the framed hummingbird or elephant from the photos, they can be found here:

There are a few other animals included in the above, as well as a blank frame if you'd prefer to include your own design to accompany the phone stand.

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