The 100 Extended (235x235 bed)

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The 100 Extended (235x235 bed)

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Note: This project is not being updated at the moment, I'm working on a different printer based on this but I can't promise any dates for release and it changes a lot of stuff so it's almost a new printer. Still, feel free to download the cad files here and remix whatever you want, about the v1.1 released by Matt you can just replace the feet and printhead files from here with the v1.1 files, it's all compatible.


Remixed the printer to fit (and use the entire thing) a 235x235 ender 3 bed.
The BOM (still WIP) can be found here, I'm still figuring out some things like screw sizes and quantity.

Btw, some parts can be customized. The 4 rods that support the sides of the printer can be bigger if you want to have a taller print area. Currently, they are 330mm in length but that's only because I wanted to keep the same idea as the original where all rods have the same length.

If you have a big printer (300x300) you can print the bed using the one-piece version, that way you need 2 fewer rods, and also it's simpler to assemble.

I'll also add notes to the BOM as I'm going through the assembly so you can expect to have a base idea of where to use each part.

Edit note: Updates the step and the two top back parts to have the correct hole sizes for the extruder bracket heated inserts.

Edit note 2: After feedback, I updated the bed to better fit the rods inside of it. Also improved the design based on Rhynier Myburgh remix, divided the bottom front pieces in two so it's easier to print in a smaller bed, and also divided the bed carriage into 4 pieces total for the same reason. I'll keep the previous version step file in here if anyone wants it.

Edit note 3: After more feedback from the community, we decided that going for 12mm rods + extended bearings (LM12LUU) on the front/bed would be better and also fix the issue with binding on the z-axis. Also, this new version has the centerpiece of the bed measuring 225x222 so it can be printed on an ender 3v2 and eliminating the need for 2 additional linear rods.

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