Kids "what time is it" learning clock - Modify and change as they grow!

Kids "what time is it" learning clock - Modify and change as they grow!


Print Profile(2)

X1 Carbon

NO AMS VERSION 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
NO AMS VERSION 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
6 h
4 plates

5.2 h
3 plates



This watch is made for all the kids out there. With this they can se what time it is based on colors, and in time learn the clock in a fun way!


The watch is colored based on whats on the program for the kid that time, and you can color down to individual 15 minutt intervals. So blue color could mean its dinner time, red could mean time for homework and so on.


There is two versions of the clock. One is for ams, and is not modifyable at a later point, and you will have to change the whole front disc. For more than three disc colors you need dual ams.


The no AMS version consist of multiple front discs, and each 15/30 minut disc can be removed and changed for a new color. This way, if bedtime is an hour later, you wil only have to print out two 30 min parts.


I used this clock. The “pin” out from the box cannot be larger than 7.6 mm diameter.



  • For easy assembly the color disc are labled with their time period, and connected in 30 min intervals. To split them and make 15 min intervalls right click on the part and choose split→ to parts, and make som air between them. The low number of the two is the first 15 minuts after split.
  • There is four rectangular parts with text on them. Go to objekt tab, left click you model to find the right one. Right click “text_shape” and choose edit text". If you want more on one bed, copy/paste.
    • For the no ams version, you will have to use pause and change filament after layer. You can pause maually, or insert a pause modifier from the preview by scrolling the left green bar to layer 6, right click the +-sign on the bar and choose “add pause”. (in some cases the print does not continue when adding a pause like this. Just turn of and on your printer, og select continue print.


Assembly video is coming on my tiktok (link in bio).



For AMS version just use two side tape to attach front disc to the frame, so you can change it later.

Use the small disc part on the rear side, so that the clock doesn't stick to far out on the front. If none of them fits, scale it up/down on z-axis and reprint



For no AMS v there is some more work to do:

  • Assemble all the front disc on to the rear disc. As printers are not 100 % accurate, you might have to cut out some of the tips for all of them to fit, as you can see in the picture. The tolerance is thight, so you will have to use some force.
  • On plate 2 with the side part, there are also three small parts. The smallest two made to put on the rear side so that the clock doesn't stick to far out on the front. If none of them fits, scale it up/down on z-axis and reprint. The smallest thin one and the larger thin part is also to be used on the front. Use the larger one if you want to hide the cut of tips from step one.
  • Insert the and secure the clock. On the front side, use the thin disc on plate 2 to hold all of the front color discs in place. If you want i
  • Glue the disk to the side part. Make sure its correctly alligned with the wall mount in the back (12'o clock)
  • Hang on wall

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