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Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

Designer Approved, High Quality 0.16mm, 2 walls, 10% infill
Designer Approved, High Quality 0.16mm, 2 walls, 10% infill
10.6 h
10 plates



Astro Boy, known in Japan by its original name Mighty Atom, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Osamu Tezuka.

He is an android young boy with human emotions who is created by Umataro Tenma. Astro was sold to a robot circus run by Hamegg, but is saved from his servitude by Professor Ochanomizu. Astro becomes a surrogate son to Ochanomizu who creates a robotic family for Astro and helps him to live a normal life like an average human boy, while accompanying him on adventures.

No supports are required. Two pieces contains built-in supports. Optional parts without the built-in supports are also supplied if you want to use your slicer supports (see notes below). If you have the proper filament colors, no painting is needed.

The assembled model is 190mm tall.



Special shoutout to maker Benoît Lussier for providing QA printing and quality feedback.

**Print Instructions:**
Supports: body.stl and hair.stl requires some supports, see notes
Resolution: .2mm
Infill: 15%

For all my models:
Do not enable 'Detect bridging perimeters'. This is a parameter that PrusaSlicer 2.6 enables by default.
Do not enable 'thick bridges'
Do not set 'arachne' for perimeter generation. PrusaSlice selects this option this by default
Do not enable 'detect thin walls'.


**Building the model**


Black: (Paramount3D PLA - Black)
hair (optional part)

Matte Black: (Paramount3D PLA - Matte Black)

Skin: (Paramount3D PLA - Universal Beige)
body (optional part)

Yellow: (Paramount3D PLA - Simpson Yellow)
flame_yellow (contains two identical pieces)
road_yellow_stripe (contains four identical pieces)

Orange: (Paramount3D PLA - Mclaren Orange)
flame_orange (contains two identical pieces)

Red: (Hatchbox PLA - True Red)

Green: (Hatchbox PLA - True Green)

White: (Overture PLA - White)
belt_whites (contains five DIFFERENT pieces, see notes)
eye_dots (contains two identical pieces)
road_white_stripe (contains two identical pieces)

Pink: (CookieCad PLA - Pale Pink)

Stone: (Devil Designs PLA - Marble Dark)

Any color: (hidden piece):
pin_boots (contains two identical pieces)


**Printing and assembly tips**

Printing tips:

Due to slicers being continuously updated with new features and default profiles being changed over time, I've found some incompatibility with some new parameters that some slicers now enable by default. These parameters affect the printing quality of some parts of models that I post. To ensure continued ease of printing:

1- Do not enable 'Detect bridging perimeters'. This is a parameter that PrusaSlicer 2.6 enables by default which adversely affects built-in support separation.
2- Do not enable 'thick bridges'. This parameter also severely affects built-in support separation.
3- Do not enable 'detect thin walls'. This parameter affects some of the finer details of some parts.
4- Do not set 'arachne' for perimeter generation. PrusaSlicer selects this option by default which also affects some of the finer details of some parts.

1 - Two parts are supplies with built-in supports as well as without built-in supports:
body.stl requires supports under the left ear only.
hair.stl requires supports from the bed only in the back half.

2 - There are some pieces that may need brims or rafts, use your discretion. When setting up my prints I prefer to be conservative to ensure the least chance of a print failure, especially since the base of many parts are hidden when inserted into another part.

*I did not use any raft or brims in this project

3 - belt_whites contains five DIFFERENT parts. They are arranged in the order of placement around the belt. I had no issue printing or fitting these parts, but during QA, Benoit had some issues and suggests that you print two copies of belt_whites in case you have an issue fitting/breaking them.

4 -Some parts are quite small. I purposely print a full second set of some of the small parts since they are easy to lose. The small parts assemble easily enough with a pair of tweezers and a very tiny bit of sticky glue.
*Note: a piece of 1.75mm filament can be used in place of eye_white_dots if needed.

5 - When removing parts from the printer bed, it's a **VERY** good idea to place left/right parts into separate containers to help with the assembly process. Sometimes the difference between the left and right parts is very small but it is still worth keeping track of them (especially if you size up the model significantly) and assembling them in their proper place.


Assembly tips:

1 - Take your time gluing the model together and enjoy the process. Dry fit all the parts and give some thought into which parts to glue together as groups and then gluing the groups together. Let the glue for each group set completely before combining groups.

2 - I used 3D Gloop and E6000 to put this model together. Each type of glue has different pros/cons and I found that 3D Gloop was far easier to use than superglue (for me). The E6000 sticky glue that I also use allows more time to position parts and is still the best for smaller parts. For both glues using a smaller amount is usually better than more glue.

3 - The mouth piece should press fit into the body. Once in, it will not come out.

4 - If you lose the order of the belt_whites they can be ordered by closely looking at them. Each part is shaped like an 'L'. Look at the lower part of the each piece (the 'foot' of the 'L') and arrange them in order of highest to lowest.

5 - Refer to the assembly diagrams in the pictures section as well as the uploaded pictures for putting the model together. The model is meant to be glued.

Do not hesitate to ask questions, feedback is essential to making better models.


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