Rooster Gentlemen - Strange Animals

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Rooster Gentlemen - Strange Animals


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.08mm layer, 2 walls, 100% infill
0.08mm layer, 2 walls, 100% infill
3.5 h
1 plate

Open in Bambu Studio


Rooster Gentlemen aka Sir Reginald joins Strange Animals

Hope you like it and looking forward for your makes :)

Print at 100% infill with a layer height of 0.08mm with a base layer of 0.16mm

Filaments Used:

  • PLA Overture Black
  • PLA PolyTerra Charcoal Black
  • PLA Overture Cement Gray
  • PLA+ Sunlu Gray
  • PLA Overture Light Gray
  • PLA+ Sunlu White

Swap Instructions:

  • Start with Black
  • At layer #5 (0.48mm) swap to Charcoal Black
  • At layer #7 (0.64mm) swap to Cement Gray
  • At layer #9 (0.8mm) swap to Gray
  • At layer #11 (0.96mm) swap to Light Gray
  • At layer #16 (1.36mm) swap to White for the rest.

Background Story:

In the quaint town of Roosterville, where cobblestone streets met charming cottages, there was a rooster unlike any other. His name was Sir Reginald, but the townsfolk affectionately called him the "Rooster Gentleman."

Sir Reginald wasn't just any rooster. He stood tall with a majestic comb, shimmering feathers of deep blue and gold, and a tail that fanned out like a royal cloak. But it wasn't just his appearance that set him apart; it was his demeanor. Sir Reginald was the epitome of grace and sophistication.

Born in the grand Coopington Manor, Sir Reginald was raised by Lady Henrietta, an elderly woman who had a penchant for the finer things in life. Lady Henrietta treated Sir Reginald not as a mere rooster, but as a member of her family. She read him poetry, played classical music, and even had a tailor craft a tiny, elegant waistcoat for him.

Under Lady Henrietta's care, Sir Reginald developed a taste for the refined. He would often be seen strolling the gardens of Coopington Manor with a monocle, admiring the roses and sipping on grain-infused tea from a delicate cup. He greeted everyone with a courteous nod and was known to break up disputes among the other animals with his calming presence and wise words.

The townsfolk adored Sir Reginald. They would tip their hats as he passed by and often sought his advice on matters of etiquette and style. The local hens were particularly smitten, often blushing and giggling as the rooster gentleman complimented their feathers or shared tales of his travels to exotic lands.

Sir Reginald's fame spread beyond Roosterville. He was invited to grand balls and soirees, where he would dance gracefully with the ladies and engage in intellectual conversations with the gents. He even started a Gentleman's Club for the roosters of neighboring towns, teaching them the art of etiquette, the importance of kindness, and the joy of a well-brewed cup of tea.

But for all his sophistication, Sir Reginald never forgot his roots. He would often be seen helping the local farmers, offering grains to the less fortunate birds, and singing melodious tunes at dawn to wake the townsfolk with a touch of elegance.

As the years passed, tales of the Rooster Gentleman became legendary. Parents would tell their children stories of Sir Reginald's adventures, his acts of kindness, and his unmatched elegance. He became a symbol of grace, chivalry, and the timeless charm of a bygone era.

And so, in the heart of Roosterville, the legacy of Sir Reginald, the Rooster Gentleman, continues to inspire generations, reminding them of the beauty of kindness, the importance of etiquette, and the joy of living life with a touch of class.

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Print Profile
0.08mm layer, 2 walls, 100% infill
Looks very very nice
Print Profile
0.08mm layer, 2 walls, 100% infill
Print Profile
0.08mm layer, 2 walls, 100% infill
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