Ratchet Remix

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Ratchet Remix

Remixed by

Print Profile(2)

X1 Carbon

Single color, 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 20% infill
Single color, 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 20% infill
4 h
7 plates

Two color, 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 20% infill
Two color, 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 20% infill
14.5 h
7 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


The original ratchet design is pretty awesome, but for the bigger model, I felt that the moving arm is just too short. This makes it difficult to wrap something that's reasonably thick and/or heavy. Extending the arm pre-loads more tension in the ratchet, which allows it to hold big bundles, such as a power extension cord, easily. This makes it slightly harder to move the ratchet arm, but I think it's well worth the extra hold and tension.


In addition, I've made a few other improvements, such as fine tuning the tolerance on the bridge for the ratchet arm, and also added a few other variations (see below). I'm definitely open for suggestions and improvement ideas. I have test printed most of these, but let me know if you experience problems.


The adjustments to a consistent 0.2mm tolerance makes the arm much more stable, there's literally no wobble on the ratchet printed on my X1C.


  • 2024-01-07: Uploaded to MakeWorld, with a multi-plate 3MF. Multi-Color plates being tested still and will be uploaded soon.
  • 2022-12-28: Added the Fusion 360 file for all Remix models
  • 2022-10-08: Added the .step files for all models.
  • 2022-01-12: Added an experimental, slammer version. This is scaled down to about 75% in XY, and somewhat less small in Z. It retains the 0.20mm tolerances, so print this at 0.20mm layer height as well. I also removed the old, original 0.30mm tolerance models, they can be found from the original downloads.
  • 2022-01-02: Fixed the tolerances for all models (to be exactly 0.20mm in Z-axis), and also added the experimental “Large” version. This is scaled properly to 160%, while retaining the 0.20mm tolerances
  • 2022-01-01: Changed the tolerance on the arm, to be exactly 0.20mm. It used to be 0.30mm, which really didn't make a whole lot of sense being "½" of the recommended layer height. This implies you really want to print the model with 0.20mm layer heights consistently (even the first layer).
  • 2021-12-31: I removed the “dull” variants, let me know if anyone really want these. I feel that the normal prints, with the sharp teeth, are much better.


There are currently four variants:

  • Standard: This is the original model, with the 2mm longer ratchet arm, and a 0.20mm tolerance on the arm.
  • Hook: This came from another remix I think, and adds a nice hook instead of the hole. This is also with the 2mm longer ratchet arm
  • Thick: These variations adds 1.2mm extra thickness. Yes, you can scale the original model, but doing so would possibly change the tolerance on the ratchet arm. These are also with the 2mm longer ratchet arm.
  • Large: This scales the model to 160% in XY-axis, and makes the body even thicker (2mm thicker). In addition, it retains the tolerances on the joint for the moving arm, such that it should not wobble (as it would if you scale the normal size model). Feedback here is much welcome!
  • Small: This is experimental, but I have test printed it, scaling the XY-axis to about 75%, and scaling Z slightly less. This retains the 0.20mm tolerances of course.

I've modified all of these models to have a 0.20mm tolerance on the ratchet arm. I feel this is a little bit sturdier and reliable (it depends on your settings as well).


These should be printed at 0.20mm layer height across the board, even layer 1! This assures that you get the right distance (bridge) for the moving arm joints.


These models scales well in the XY-axis, but probably not much in the Z-axis. When scaling up, use the thicker models and perhaps increase your perimeters one or two steps. I’ve printed at 200% scale with good results. However, this makes for a wee bit wobbly joint for the ratchet arm, if there's interest (please comment!) I can make a model that's better scaled up.

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I use them to hang cables and hoses in my work van. Unfortunately, PLA does not withstand heat very well, so I am now going to try them in PetG.
The designer has replied
yeh sounds like a job for PETG or even ASA honestly. I’ve printed these in PETG without problems .
Print Profile
Single color, 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 20% infill
just what I need
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