Catan Game Pieces Holder - Remodeled

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Catan Game Pieces Holder - Remodeled

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Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
1.6 h
1 plate

Open in Bambu Studio


I found this model on Maker World by mizioman and decided to make some for my Brother-In-Law for Christmas; he's a big Catan fans like me and I thought they would enjoy it. I didn't realize the first layer and top layers on his files were separate objects, so my originals looked a little rough :( and they didn't make it to Christmas because I was leaving the next day. Now that I'm home again, I decided to tinker with it a little.


I finally got those top and first layers centered and combined and it printed perfectly, but after I printed it I realized you couldn't store the pieces inside the boxes, they were just organizers for while you play the game. I thought that could be improved a little by allowing storage also. So I stretched the top a little, and quickly realized that the pieces would bounce around and not stay in place. (You can see my many failures in the pictures lol) So I continued to adapt the top by putting in a stretched, and flipped portion of the bottom to lock the pieces in on the top as well. Now it functions much better and allows for storage and transport without your pieces moving.


But I still wasn't done… I didn't like how the Cities set low and locked in, but the houses were shallow. I dropped the houses' slots a little and made them tighter. This is the first version, and I should have considered that these little wooden houses wouldn't be as consistent a measurement as they should be, so it was a little tight and didn't fit right. For v3, I just took the holes he already had, and made them deeper to 5mm. I had to print it in yellow because I ran out of red filament, sorry it looks odd in the pictures.

Comment & Rating (6)

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I really like the holder but I struggle to get the thing together. My roads dont seem to line up well making it difficult. I think if you were to removed grid on the lid then this would go together much easier. I love the overall design though, good work.
The designer has replied
it's a tight fit, but I haven't really had that much trouble getting it together. the roads are the one part of his original design that I didn't touch, sorry! It would probably be easy to widen them out a little though. any other issues with your print? did the multi-color load right? this was my first multi-color file and first thing I've loaded online, so I hope it works.
The print was fantastic. After I posted this my son tried one of the other colors and it fit just fine. One of my road pieces on set it tried is a bit oblong and I think it slides over a bit when I try and put the lid on.
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
Cool little print. I was surprised at how small the holder was, which was great! Having some sizing issues with the cities fitting in the hole, and the hole for the settlements was a little big. Some of that issue could be version dependent, I know my Red pieces are larger than my other colors, so its probably more the fault of Catan quality control.
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
The prints are little snug, so it would be good to increase the size of the cover by 1-2%.
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
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