AMS stacking bracket NOT fully validated

AMS stacking bracket NOT fully validated


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I'm planning on buying a second AMS just to use different materials (not for the color).


I spent a week designing this 2-tier stack, completing many fit tests, but chickened out before the final product could be printed.


I knew it would be big, but I didn't expect it would require 3kg of filament and the printing time would probably be more than a week (I don't run a print farm and don't have a printer that works non-stop).


I'll put it here anyway, maybe someone with some time is willing to make it a reality. If you are successful, please be sure to share a photo of your finished product with me. Or someone could make it less heavy (I apologize for my aesthetic).


The part of the model that matches the AMS has been verified. If your AMS is like mine, there should be no problem with assembly. I'm used to designing to tighter tolerances, if you don't like it try the critical part first. I hope someone can use this part to make something else.


I only uploaded the left half of the model file. Please use a mirror to generate the right half of the model file yourself.


Files 1, 2, and 3 are all brackets on the back that are used to pull the side panels. In fact, 2 is not needed. If 2 is installed, the AMS below will not be able to fully open the lid.


Files 6, 7, 8, and 9 are for mounting the Bambu Plate on the left side of the stand. If you want to mount it on the right side, 6 and 7 need to be mirror-printed. The parts are connected by magnets with a diameter of 8mm and a thickness of 3mm, so no matter how many plates you have, as long as you have enough magnets, you can put them there. You may feel that the distance between the final plates is a bit close, but this is not a problem for me. One thing to note is that their base is 1mm lower than the base of the AMS bracket, as I plan to install 1mm tall TPU feet under the bracket.


File 10 is not required, it is a decorative cover for file 1, they are all verified.


The connection between the side panels uses M3x12 screws and nuts, and the connection between the back frame and the side panels uses M3x8 screws and nuts (the bevel part in File 3 requires an M3x12).


Remember to use Brim when printing, and the Brim-object gap is 0, otherwise file 3 will be deformed when printed.


All holes for mounting screws and nuts do not require supports, this has been verified according to the printing direction.


If there's anything else you'd like to know before trying it, let me know and I'll be happy to answer everything I know.


Good luck.

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