Could not get the spool holder in the center of Sunlu's new blue spools! It was too big. Can you update your file for the new spools please?
I repurposed my print as a small sleeve to keep wrapping paper from unraveling. Didn't want the print to be a complete waste.
Clever idea - you could also make this work if you hack off one of the ends with a fine-tooth hacksaw (which is what I did) Or, print one of the updated spool holders (lots on here just search sunlu new spool)
looks like it does actually fit exactly as intended. It's not meant to be large to fill the hole, it's only meant to keep the spool on the AMS which it does.
Doesn't that mean it won't retract as designed when the AMS pulls filament back for colour changes? Seems like a bad design. It should be tight enough that when the filament is returned, the spring mechanism of the AMS lite rotates the spool (not just the centre piece alone).
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