Seeed XAIO & Grove Base Case

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Seeed XAIO & Grove Base Case


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.16mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.16mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
2.1 h
2 plates



I wanted a little case for one of my XAIO boards and a variety of mounting options as I have a few sitting about so I can use them in different ways. Later I realised I could modify it to fit the other XAIO models.


If you are looking for something fun to do with your device and it is ESP32 based, have a go at setting it up with Home Assistant via ESPHome and plugging in and configuring some supported sensors, more information can be found in this guide. Sorry I am not able to support you with ESPHome or electronics :)


Currently there is a simple base, a wall mount base and an 8x2mm magnetic disc mount option available, we will be at least adding a magnetic base in the short term and possibly a stand.

Required For Assembly

For the optional magnetic mount you will need 1-3 8x2mm disc magnets. Probably a good idea to use three if you are plugging in accessories and use some glue to ensure they stay in place.


Please use the pre-configured profile from the top of the page and not the raw model. It has the base and lid options on the first plate. The second plate has the main body options. Delete the optional parts you do not want to use.


Use the “sense” objects of the lid and the main body if you have the ESP32S3 Sense, else use the “others” objects along with the base of your choosing. 


If you are configuring the unconfigured 3MF yourself it is an easy print with a 0.4 nozzle. The main body needs hybrid tree supports to support the tray and SD card/switch/USB-C port holes for the “sense” variant. I printed the above at 0.16 layer height so it came out smooth.


It is sometimes the case that there is a small mess under the tray where the supports were. Take a sharp, thin knife and make it tidy to prevent issues with the SD card slot.



First, get out your soldering iron and solder pin strip into the holes at the side of the Seeed XAIO unit.


Following this, plug the soldered unit into the Grove base.


If you are using a device with a camera, remove the camera unit if it is attached.

If you are using a device with an antenna, connect the antenna.

Install 4x M2 inserts into the four holes that protrude from the sides of the main body.
Install 4x M2 inserts into the four holes in the base.
If you are using the optional screw mount base, mount it to its final location after the inserts have cooled.
If you are using the optional magnetic mount base put a tiny dab of glue in the holes and poke in the magnets.
If you are using a device with an antenna, thread the antenna through the massive hole. ensure the cable is placed so that it goes up through the thin section and rests at the side.

Carefully insert the boards into place. Being careful aligning the USB port and switch is the key to success.


Keep the cable antenna in place so it is aligned with the gap in the side if one is present.

Align the main body on top of the base, you will need to fold the antenna if you have one to make it fit well.


Screw M2x12 screws in the 4 holes here. Careful to not damage the MCU or base board.


We do not use washers for these screws, so be careful not to connect them too tightly.

If using a device with a camera, connect the camera to the board and insert it into the upper tray. Ensure it is pushed up fully into the upper tray.

Connect the lid with four M2x8 screws and washers. If you are using a device without a camera be sure to use the lid without a hole.


Congratulations, you are done!


2024012701: Enlarge USB-C port hole to manage different pin strip offsets.

2024012301: Initial version.


Here is a working config file for ESPHome for the command line utility for the XAIO ESP32S3 Sense board, which is the one I initially posted here. Note that you need to enter your own wi-fi details, and depending on how you want to orient the device you may need to change the “vertical_flip” and “horizontal_mirror” settings.


Sorry you will need to work out ESPHome things by yourself but I wish you the best of luck :)


# Configuration for ESPHome
 # Name of the ESP32-S3 device
 name: xsense1
 # PlatformIO build options
   build_flags: -DBOARD_HAS_PSRAM
   board_build.arduino.memory_type: qio_opi
   board_build.f_flash: 80000000L
   board_build.flash_mode: qio

# Configuration for ESP32
 board: esp32-s3-devkitc-1
   type: arduino

# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API

# Over-the-Air update configuration

# Wi-Fi configuration
 ssid: "Your Wifi SSID"
 password: "Your Wifi Password"

 # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
   ssid: "Xiao-Esp32s3 Fallback Hotspot"
   password: "MoLTqZUvHwWI"

# Captive portal configuration

# Configuration for the ESP32 Camera
 id: espcam
 name: My Camera
   pin: GPIO10
   frequency: 20MHz
   sda: GPIO40
   scl: GPIO39
 data_pins: [GPIO15, GPIO17, GPIO18, GPIO16, GPIO14, GPIO12, GPIO11, GPIO48]
 vsync_pin: GPIO38
 href_pin: GPIO47
 pixel_clock_pin: GPIO13
 resolution: 800x600
 vertical_flip: false
 horizontal_mirror: false
# Configuration for the ESP32 Camera Web Server
 - port: 8080
   mode: stream
 - port: 8081
   mode: snapshot

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